I would think the locals there would be great, my dad was a member of Local 4 and had a great pension, when he died my mom continued to collect and every year they give every member retired or not $1000 for Christmas. She just got the letter the other day saying Dec 3rd it will be deposited.
Trying to hit 3K this week for the first time ever. Started out well today with a 10 hour day that was all OT due to switching to Tuesday-Saturday recently.
Trying to hit 3K this week for the first time ever. Started out well today with a 10 hour day that was all OT due to switching to Tuesday-Saturday recently.
UPS cracks me up sometimes. They will kick and scream and claw if someone puts in an 8 hour request and do everything possible to with them, then do this to the entire company on one day. This is exactly why I won’t sign any List about 05 or guaranteed 8, just follow the contract!