From Part Time to 22.3 Questions


Well-Known Member
ok here is the scoop after looking at the bid and talking with the manager. First I checked out the bid--- there is no lunch break there. I don't know why, but it is not on there. Second I spoke with him and he brought up the idea of allowing me to take internationals across the hub, at the end of the night. There is no stability or guarantee there, but it is a steady cut into my gap. He said that he would do it though. Things aren't as they seem here in my hub. There are no seniority sheets for xtra work, and it seems that labor can do whatever they want with my local. The local would definately tell me I'm SOL, and that is interesting because coming from a teamster family I know the way my dad said it is in northeastern Ohio Ups. Up here nothing like it.
Where are all these regulations for the company?
They have an exception air non bid shuttle that runs every night. Why is a part timer doing it when I have such a gap. I filed on that, and said what the hell. I am certain to lose, but here is another bid job that could go up. Sure enough I find out if they run it for 31 days straight then it should be bid. WHERE IS THAT IN THE CONTRACT?
There is no way in hell I could get this out of my ba because he does not know the contract.
Isn't that a requirement for a BA at the local?
If I'm wrong... well
some of this stuff concerns me.


Well-Known Member
ok here is the scoop after looking at the bid and talking with the manager. First I checked out the bid--- there is no lunch break there. I don't know why, but it is not on there. Second I spoke with him and he brought up the idea of allowing me to take internationals across the hub, at the end of the night. There is no stability or guarantee there, but it is a steady cut into my gap. He said that he would do it though. Things aren't as they seem here in my hub. There are no seniority sheets for xtra work, and it seems that labor can do whatever they want with my local. The local would definately tell me I'm SOL, and that is interesting because coming from a teamster family I know the way my dad said it is in northeastern Ohio Ups. Up here nothing like it.
Where are all these regulations for the company?
They have an exception air non bid shuttle that runs every night. Why is a part timer doing it when I have such a gap. I filed on that, and said what the hell. I am certain to lose, but here is another bid job that could go up. Sure enough I find out if they run it for 31 days straight then it should be bid. WHERE IS THAT IN THE CONTRACT?
There is no way in hell I could get this out of my ba because he does not know the contract.
Isn't that a requirement for a BA at the local?
If I'm wrong... well
some of this stuff concerns me.

I work in Local 25, Boston, and there are no seniority sheets or bid sheets for part-time work or preferred work or anything like that. The local would tell us you're SOL, too. It's whatever management wants to do with their people and we just have to WAD. I'm pretty sure this is the norm nationally, although there's always exceptions.


Well-Known Member
The 25 in Boston came up at my state hearing. I guess a female driver had tried what I did questioning why an employee has to go through progression twice. She lost. Shucks. That would have made things alot easier.


Well-Known Member
The 25 in Boston came up at my state hearing. I guess a female driver had tried what I did questioning why an employee has to go through progression twice. She lost. Shucks. That would have made things alot easier.

Interesting. I'm pretty sure I know who that is. If so We worked the same center and jobs pretty much, since then I moved buildings and she move dinto my bid. Yeah, it does suck!


Well-Known Member
ok check this one out.
Today I went to my union steward for the first time to set up a grievance for supervisors working after I was forced off the clock.
Guess what he was doing. Unloading a trailer with 3 sups. How do I handle this.


ok check this one out.
Today I went to my union steward for the first time to set up a grievance for supervisors working after I was forced off the clock.
Guess what he was doing. Unloading a trailer with 3 sups. How do I handle this.

i would say thats an act of God.....:smart:


Well-Known Member
ok check this one out.
Today I went to my union steward for the first time to set up a grievance for supervisors working after I was forced off the clock.
Guess what he was doing. Unloading a trailer with 3 sups. How do I handle this.

(IMO) Don't bother grieving supervisors working, esp if the stewards support it... that's asinine! It isn't worth it. Just work very slowly, painstaking, let them come to you. Don't waste your time with a war you won't win. You may win a battle, but the war is not won on the's won with UPS relying on stewards like the one you mentioned...fight the battles that are important to those bullets...


Well-Known Member
That was a very sagelike reply. However, this is where you need more information that I am not willing to post. Maybe in the chatroom, but not for all to see...


Livin the cardboard dream
That's alright, if you think that's confusing, try this. There are two different progressions within air driving. There's bid air and exception air. Two different progressions. I get paid top scale air for Saturday driving, but if I cover an air route, I get paid 12.5 an hour. Try that one on for size.


Well-Known Member
I am not familiar with that, but it sounds like it should be grieved out for an answer from the unions bosses. Have you spoke with your steward about that?