Wow, i'm impressed you have some facts More.....
What is also interesting is the last military execution in 1961, was actually for rape, and attempted murder......
Like I said I'm against the death penalty, but I gotta give them props for executing for rape, castration would have been my choice, but hanging works too.
Days before Christmas 1954,a heavily intoxicated Bennett left his base to find a brothel, but chanced upon an 11-year-old Austrian girl. He raped her, and then attempted to drown her in a nearby stream. Bennett was hanged at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas in 1961.
Bennett dodged two execution dates, once receiving his stay during his last meal, but a seemingly compelling plea for clemency — the victim herself, and her parents, asked for mercy— availed Bennett nothing. His last frantic plea to the new president, John friend. Kennedy, was dispatched with only hours yet to live.
Kennedy was busy with the Bay of Pigs.
Unfortunately, a lot of military criminals got off in the same time period.
"He spent six years awaiting execution — “six years,” observed the Los Angeles Times, “in which six other black soldiers were hanged while all four of the white men — many of them multiple murderers — were saved.”
Sadly, nowadays, a woman in the military is far more likely to be raped or sexually assaulted by a fellow soldier than she is to die in combat..... my, how far we've come.