Ft. Hood


Inordinately Right
I'm against the death penalty, however, I find all this really interesting.
The military, who kills civilians "by accident", as acceptable collateral damage.... won't give someone the death penalty?
It not exactly like it could give them a bad name or anything.....


golden ticket member
They give them the death penalty......they just haven't actually executed anyone since '61. There are people on death row. It's like the civilian Scott Peterson.....sentencd to death and still sitting on death row.
It seems only Florida and Texas are 'relatively' quick at carrying out death penalties......like Ted Bundy.


Inordinately Right
Wow, i'm impressed you have some facts More.....

What is also interesting is the last military execution in 1961, was actually for rape, and attempted murder......
Like I said I'm against the death penalty, but I gotta give them props for executing for rape, castration would have been my choice, but hanging works too.

Days before Christmas 1954,a heavily intoxicated Bennett left his base to find a brothel, but chanced upon an 11-year-old Austrian girl. He raped her, and then attempted to drown her in a nearby stream. Bennett was hanged at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas in 1961.

Bennett dodged two execution dates, once receiving his stay during his last meal, but a seemingly compelling plea for clemency — the victim herself, and her parents, asked for mercy— availed Bennett nothing. His last frantic plea to the new president, John friend. Kennedy, was dispatched with only hours yet to live.
Kennedy was busy with the Bay of Pigs.

Unfortunately, a lot of military criminals got off in the same time period.
"He spent six years awaiting execution — “six years,” observed the Los Angeles Times, “in which six other black soldiers were hanged while all four of the white men — many of them multiple murderers — were saved.”

Sadly, nowadays, a woman in the military is far more likely to be raped or sexually assaulted by a fellow soldier than she is to die in combat..... my, how far we've come.
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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Republicans on the House Armed Services Committee will overturn one consequence of Obama’s unwillingness to recognize the terrorism of the Fort Hood attack: victims will be eligible for the Purple Heart, allowing survivors to receive better and prompter health care from the VA. More than that, every victim will get the recognition and honor due to them.

That is simply RIDICULOUS.

Purple hearts are for those who fight on the battlefield and NOT on domestic lands victims of reckless gun laws that allow a nut to buy guns.




Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Not everyone agrees, including some Purple Heart recipients.


Fair use excerpt:
Five years after the 2009 shooting rampage at Ft. Hood, Texas, a new push is underway to make the victims eligible for the Purple Heart.

But the idea is drawing opposition from, among others, a group representing Purple Heart recipients, who liken the attack to workplace violence rather than combat.

The drive to recognize Ft. Hood victims with the Purple Heart is being driven by Texans in Congress.

But the Military Order of the Purple Heart, an organization of about 45,000 Purple Heart recipients, opposes authorizing the medal for those attacked by "one of their fellow soldiers at Ft. Hood, which was clearly a case of 'workplace violence,'"the group said in a statement.


nowhere special
A terrorist attack is NEVER workplace violence. Obama trying to get it classified as workplace violence did deny the victims Purple Hearts but even more importantly, medical benefits. So yes, Obama can be blamed because of his actions.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
A terrorist attack is NEVER workplace violence. Obama trying to get it classified as workplace violence did deny the victims Purple Hearts but even more importantly, medical benefits. So yes, Obama can be blamed because of his actions.
There is absolutely no evidence that the tragic 2009 killings were a terrorist attack. Hasan acted alone.

This may help educate you on the nuances involved:

It's a very complicated case, and there are reasons for it being treated as it has been. It is the DoD that ultimately makes the call, not the President.