Ft. Hood


I would hope that means they are long overdue !!!!:happy2:

If anyone deserves it he sure does. In my mind I'm having a hard time picturing an insanity defense at a military court martial but I guess thats how he'll play it. The good news is in the military you're subject to all kinds of insanity so that defense will have to be convincing.:happy-very:


golden ticket member
That creep should not be allowed in a U.S. Courtroom......where is Obama's and the atty. general's heads....Oh yeah, bowing on their little carpets and facing East.....heh heh heh !!


golden ticket member
Still waiting for this idiot's trial. He's delaying things because beards are not allowed in the courtroom and he's claiming it's part of his religion. Where was his religion when he killed people clean shaven??

If he wants to keep the beard, no problem.......just put a veil across his face like what the women wear.


Well-Known Member
The DOD is making the right call on this one. This is clearly a case of "workplace violence" and is not the act of a terrorist. Awarding the Purple Heart to the victims would water down the significance of the award and would negatively impact the defense of Hasan.


golden ticket member


Strength through joy
Since bhos has declared this shooting as workplace violence & denied proper military benefits to the victims , then under civil laws can't he be personally sued for all the damages involved ?


golden ticket member
The shooter was found guilty of all charges. Sentencing is next.
The last execution on military death row was in 1961. So this guy is probably just going to rot in prison or get 5 years probation !!


Inordinately Right
The shooter was found guilty of all charges. Sentencing is next.
The last execution on military death row was in 1961. So this guy is probably just going to rot in prison or get 5 years probation !!

I'm curious why the military, of all organizations, is so reluctant to use the death penalty?
For example: massacre 16 civilians, no death penalty:

I'm sure this will really help us promote democracy in the middle east.


Well-Known Member
The shooter wants to be put to death so he will be a martyr.
There are things worse than death.....one of them is "life without parole", especially when you're paralyzed from the waist down.
Euthanasia is what we do for our beloved, loyal and loving pets to end their suffering. The shooter doesn't deserve such compassion.
I'm sure the staff and other inmates at Leavenworth will make his life as unpleasant as possible.
Spare his life!....give him life without parole!