I was just having this discussion; I went driver after only 6 months of preload because I was 28 and anxious to start a career and a pension, and the starting pay for driving is on par with any job out there that doesn't require a college education.
I didn't love the preload, especially since I had to work a 2nd job, but I've done a ton of really hard, crappy jobs. Inside jobs may suck for the hours and labor, but compared to roofing, carpentry, granite countertops, cruise ship tours, shuffling some boxes around is pretty darn gravy.
If I had the opportunity to go full time inside, I'd be all over it. Safer, easier work for what, 6 bucks less an hour at top rate?
If you're cool with living reasonably, making 45-55k a year then stay inside. Safer, less stressful, regular schedule so you can actually have a life Mon-Fri, easy work.
If you want all the finer things in life, like you REALLY wanna become a debt slave and want that 500k house with a brand new pickup 4 dogs and 3 quads, driving is for you.