UPS Lifer
Well-Known Member
Our center manager thinks there will be a round 2 which will consist of EBO's for supervisors then demotions for mgrs who did not accept the EBO or severance/termination into the vacated supe positions.
That could happen or the lowest rated managers could just be laid off. Here is my thinking on that.
I am talking to the lowest rated manager and I tell him/her that you will probably be laid off if you don't take to SPR or EBO. Well, they decide to take their chance. I have no remorse in laying them off. If there is a supervisor position open on the other side of the district and they want to relocate there using their own finances to do it. ... that might work also.
BUT - I am not going to spend any more money than necessary to achieve my goal.
Do I think there is a stage two and stage three? Probably, but every stage costs the company more money and be guaranteed that the company is going to keep a tight reign on this.
Don't get your hopes up based on speculation and assumptions.
Don't assume there is going to be a stage two.