Do you have children?
I do
Do you have children?
And maybe that's why you're a racist. The shoe doesn't fit but like one of Cinderella's ugly stepsister you still want to cram your size 9 into a size 6.If the shoe fits.....
And maybe that's why you're a racist. The shoe doesn't fit but like one of Cinderella's ugly stepsister you still want to cram your size 9 into a size 6.
So what can we deduce about white parents and whites in general?
How come members of the black race are still protesting in Ferguson?Finally someone asked the right question .
How come members of the black race are still protesting in Ferguson?
Still believing Mike Brown was shot whIle holding his hand up?
Do they not believe the grand jury?
Do they not believe the D.O.J.?
I mean seriously, WTF.
All you white folks need to get off your high horse. The white race has committed more atrocities to mankind than any other in history!
This whole conversation should be considered 'disrespectful'. A place for UPSers to chat/gripe/inquire/inform has divided members here over color issues.shameful
...Shut your eyes to the problems and facts, but there is MUCH more violence in poor, crappy black neighborhoods than there is in white middle class ones....
Well you must be the most gullible person.
white Genocide of Afrikan People - A Brief History:
Like be-heading and burning people alive in orange pajamas?All you white folks need to get off your high horse. The white race has committed more atrocities to mankind than any other in history!
How come members of the black race are still protesting in Ferguson?
Still believing Mike Brown was shot whIle holding his hand up?
Do they not believe the grand jury?
Do they not believe the D.O.J.?
I mean seriously, WTF.
Personally, I don't believe that you are racist, so there's that...I think that you're misguided, but that's not my business.
Perhaps you are correct that "there is MUCH more violence in poor, crappy black neighborhoods than there is in white middle class ones"...
The question is, WHY?
There is so much nuance to this conversation, and it comes down to multiple issues such as structural inequality and inherently different 'baked-in' inequities of opportunity vis-a-vis race, as well as class.
I think you're mistaking 'effect' with 'cause', i.e.: here's the problem, the underlying issue must be related to the effect, but you dismiss cause entirely.
(P.S. I misspelled '' on purpose, because I was trying to get around the BC bot-censor...turns out '
' isn't on the list...)
All you white folks need to get off your high horse. The white race has committed more atrocities to mankind than any other in history!
Stop it with the RACIST lable.And maybe that's why you're a racist. The shoe doesn't fit but like one of Cinderella's ugly stepsister you still want to cram your size 9 into a size 6.