Gang of "Misunderstood youths" attack a girl at Mcdonald's


Well-Known Troll
The white race may not be alone but they are by far the worst. My whole point is, many on this board are so quick to point out another race for societies problems, without knowledge of history or complete ignorance of the cause of these problems.

I don't live 400 years ago, I live in the present. What happened 50 years ago is long dead, but you love to point to stuff that happened HUNDREDS of years ago.

Also, tell me how I derailed a thread where in the first post I mention race, and then continue talking about that. I'll wait here :)


Well-Known Member
The white race may not be alone but they are by far the worst. My whole point is, many on this board are so quick to point out another race for societies problems, without knowledge of history or complete ignorance of the cause of these problems.

What about Mao? Are you counting him as white too? He slaughtered millions of his OWN PEOPLE. That is worse than killing your enemies


Well-Known Member
Stop it with the RACIST lable.

I don't hear you calling the protesters in Ferguson racists. And they hate white people.

Somebody should let these white people know as seems they didn't get the memo




Ah screw em. Bunch a race traitors anyway!


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Well-Known Troll
If all these protests are non violent, why do the people insist on covering their faces to conceal their identities? If you're not breaking any laws, what reason do you have to conceal who you are?


Well-Known Member
They cover their faces just so you could post something here on the fact that their faces are covered.

Besides, you and I both know regardless of the reason it still means nothing so what's the point to discussing it were there too even be one. Blacks in Ferguson who protest are racists and that fact alone stands against any and all possible counterpoints and beyond that nothing else matters.

Besides, if one can establish someone hates them first, it's easy to hate them back and feel justified.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
This is the difference to how the black race feels about America now versus 50 years ago.

50 years ago, they loved the United States.

Now they feel oppressed.

They have no idea what oppressed really is.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Oh, praise tell DIDO, what do you disagree with now?

I am beginning to think that you can no longer argue facts, so you are down to hitting the disagree button.

Sad, really.


Inordinately Right
This is the difference to how the black race feels about America now versus 50 years ago.
Oh, praise tell DIDO, what do you disagree with now?

I am beginning to think that you can no longer argue facts, so you are down to hitting the disagree button.

Sad, really.
I disagree that you can summarize the way the entire "black race" feels about America, or anything..... especially with a meme about flags.


Well-Known Member
Oh, praise tell DIDO, what do you disagree with now?

I am beginning to think that you can no longer argue facts, so you are down to hitting the disagree button.

Sad, really.

If hitting the disagree button equates to no longer capable of arguing the facts, I'll make note of this for all the times you've hit disagree on so many of mine!


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I disagree that you can summarize the way the entire "black race" feels about America, or anything..... especially with a meme about flags.
Tens of thousands of blacks in that march, including a sitting president, and not 1 of them thought to bring an American flag?


I think not.


Well-Known Member
Wonder why Bush who was too Obama's left (oh the irony) didn't bring a flag?

Unpatriotic bastard!


SSSSShhhhhh, don't let this get out and spoil a perfectly good meaningless narrative.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Wonder why Bush who was too Obama's left (oh the irony) didn't bring a flag?

Unpatriotic bastard!


SSSSShhhhhh, don't let this get out and spoil a perfectly good meaningless narrative.

You proved my point.

You found 6 flags.

Tens of thousands of mostly black marchers, and you found 6 flags (1 woman had 2 of them) and a man wearing a flag coat.

And you can't find 1 flag in the main picture.

Shows that they really love America.



Inordinately Right
You proved my point.

You found 6 flags.

Tens of thousands of mostly black marchers, and you found 6 flags (1 woman had 2 of them) and a man wearing a flag coat.

And you can't find 1 flag in the main picture.

Shows that they really love America.

You're desperate now.
Why do you insist on trying to say African Americans don't love their country? Do you even believe that or are you just so invested in the argument that you refuse to back down at this point? I could sit here all day and post pictures of the flag at the march and you still would view them all as racists who are just stirring up trouble.
So I'll just post this instead:

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
The girls doing the beating in the video are wild savage animals and could have killed the other girl. So, they should have been put down like wild savage animals they are. Someone should have stepped in and blown their heads off or at least evened the odds. The problem today is that if someone had done the first they'd be in deeper trouble than the animals. Especially if they were white. Even more than that if they were a white cop. Black losers and quisling whites would be rounded up by "community organizers " and incited by Obama and Holder to "protest" and destroy their own neighborhoods. All of that thanks to liberalism. The cancer that's eating away at this once great country's soul.