TOS is a typicall liberal. Re-writes History to fit his fairy tale --reguritates it so frequently --he believes it himself.
Was it not Clinton (Bill) who was the first one that stated Obama was just a fairy tale --nothing there.
When I see a TOS post I see this.....
nothing more.
There are a lot of reasons for high gas prices.
Where the government (state, local and federal) and the president can help reduce the price are in these areas.
- Reduce gas taxes that are tacked on to the back end that hit the consumer
- Give incentives for building regional refineries
- Allow the construction of pipelines to those refineries
- Allow drilling permits in key areas close to those refineries
- Create conditions in our economy to stop printing money (inflation) to pay off our debt
Of course you won't see any of those practices come from the current person who occupies the White House!
GOD FORBID we use the oil we have control over. Instead, let's continue to depend on Venezuela - OPEC and other countries that would love to see our downfall.
The current White House wants to see high prices to discourage us from buying gas guzzling cars and basically stop using any fossil fuel PERIOD
By the end of BOs term the Federal creep and control into our lives should be almost complete. He wants us to be a second rate nation... equality for all!
Our children's children will be speaking Chinese at some point if we don't take back our country.