It's clear in the charts that TOS provided that gas prices indeed went up during W. Bush dramatically. What is also clear is they went up at the end of Carters term and subsequently went down through Reagan and H.W. Bush towards the levels that were more stable for the Clinton years.
Remember Reagan?I don't see how anyone believes any president has more than a couple cents worth influence on fuel price. Global market, people.
Lucky you.
Neither of my vehicles gets more than 20/mpg.
But then My lifestyle controls what vehicles I need.
I have never seen a Prius driving into the saltwater up to their wheel rims to launch a boat .However the local seagulls do seem to really enjoy sitting & crapping on their roofs.
The oil companies only make about 5-6 cents per gallon. What we see is REVENUE for oil companies not the actual NET profit. Besides with all the regulation and TAXES up the ying yang on oil companies they HAVE to pass on the cost to us! Thank the government for getting in the way....The worse part of this is after we fill the tank ($75 in the pickup tonight). We will all pay for the gas, because we have to.
But we won't have the extra money we used to. Won't be able to go out to dinner as much, or see that movie.
Other businesses will suffer as the oil companies get rich.
I see history escapes you. ( as usual )
When Reagan took office, oil was at 5 bucks a barrel (regulations kept it at 5 bucks for decades!), but Reagan lifted those regulations telling americans that "competition" would keep the price low. Next, he allowed the systematic purchasing of oil companies by the largest companies and "they" shut down those smaller operations. Thirdly, under Reagans term and Bush1, they shut down almost 50% of the USA's refining capacity in order to drive the price of oil per barrel higher. When Reagan left, Oil was at 12 bucks a barrel, almost three times higher, then BUSH1 took control and oil rose to 24 bucks a barrel now DOUBLE Reagans accomplishment.
When Clinton took office, oil stayed STABLE for 8 years and the price per gallon nationally averaged 1.62 for 8 years.
Then your ALL AMERICAN HERO GW BUSH took office and oil skyrocketed to 150.00 a barrel.. thats a 400% increase ISLAND.
The price per gallon rose faster than in any time in history and reached 5 bucks a gallon at its peak. 3 months before the 2008 election, oil per barrel crashed to near 30 bucks a barrel ( where it should be ) and the price per gallon dropped to near 1.75 a gallon on election day 2008.
Today, domestic production is the highest its ever been since 1949, and for the first time since 1949, we are exporting more oil than we are importing into the USA.
Our stockpiles are being sold to china and india instead of "storing" that oil and bringing prices down. But of course, YOU and MORELUCK would call that "capitalism" and you should remain silent, but instead, you complain.
The oil industry is simply RIPPING us off and unless the goverment does something about its monopoly with the traders and refiners, then they will continue to rip us off.
TOS, once again you are wrong...
Take a look at this web site. HISTORY OF CRUDE OIL PRICES
Amazing how you make things up all the time.
I'm wondering.. Maybe you just don't know when a President's term expires. Maybe you are just so biased, you can't relate to how oil prices went up during Carter's years and went down under Reagan. I don't know of many people who say.. " ahhh if we could just go back to the good old days under Jimmy Carter".
Don't you remember Jimmy Carter and the whole Iran hostage situation?
Jimmy Carter ended his presidency on Jan 19th 1980.
When Carter took office in 1977 Oil was $14 per barrel.
When Carter left office in Jan 1981 Oil was at $38 per barrel. (Again, mostly due to the issues going on at time with Iran. (Oh BTW Carter handled that great.. but that's another subject). Note, this wasn't just a blip. In all of 1980 oil was also around this 38 price.
When Reagan left office in Jan 1989, oil was at $18.50 per barrel.
Check out the web site..
Amazing.. You are wrong again... Don't you get tired of being wrong so often?
One of these days, you'll write something that is true.
REFUTE what i said then. You want to talk about fairy tales? Then give us your explanation for what happened to the oil industry starting in 1980.
Who is re writing history? Sounds like you FAIL to remember history.
How do you explain this?
What you fail to remember is that presidential elections took place in Nov 1980, Reagan didn't take office til 1981. I know you love to blame republicans, but at least remember when they take office before you start blaming them. So the problems in 1980 are due to Jimmy Carter. That's how I explain it.
Yes tos, let's go back to the Carter era .
Mortgage rates were 15-20 %.
Opec decided who got oil .
I recall all those long lines to fill-up my Pinto .
Iran over ran our embassy & took hostages , and our military's response was a joke & resulted in our own troops dying .
You know tos, those were the good old days , so just kick back & grab yourself a cold Billy Beer .