Gas Prices

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
You ain't seen nothing yet, Mr. Spender-In-Chief will have to start ramping up the money making press which will cause more inflation increasing fuel prices through the roof and everything else!

So while the libs pal Jerry Brown runs California into the 3rd world, taxes keep rising, people keep leaving. Brown and BO are going to have some great legacies for history!

Other than the loons, I feel bad for the good people who continue to suffer in states like CA. IL. and NY.

Wait till next April when you have to pay that 15% in tax .... YIKES! Eastward Ho! Welcome to AZ TX NV and FL!

brown bomber

brown bomber
gas prices in N.E. Ohio are approaching $3.90 / gallon.....let's see a refinery shutdown (maintenance)....refineries switching up their blends for the upcoming warm' s the same every year, if you haven't figured it out by shouldn't be driving.........maybe you should ask St. Obama to intervene


golden ticket member


Strength through joy
One good side effect from that summer of $4/gal fuel.
Fewer jet skis were being used along the coast , making for a nice quieter summer.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

How did higher gas prices affect the 2012 election? Oh ya, they didnt. Now the same claim is being spouted by the talking heads at FOX NEWS?

Please. People understand whats happening with the oil industry. Its simple, we are being ripped off.

Like I said before. The oil industry for the last 10 years have raised the price of a barrel of oil in february without justification. They take the first quarter and leave january alone, then in february they start hiking the price rapidly each day for the whole month, then in march they start to "walk it back".

This week alone, the decline has already started. Oil is down 5 bucks a barrel in 4 days and will continue to drop through next month.

Then, once down around the point where they started to jack it up, they will leave it for april, then in may start the rapid increases again. They will do this every quarter all year round.

There is NO reason for these increases. There is more oil in the country than we can possibly use. The stockpiles of oil are staggering and these stockpiles are being sold overseas.

We are STILL exporting more oil than we are importing, and thanks to President Obamas actions, domestic production is the highest its been since 1949.

Its time to consider regulating the oil industry again in this country, and restore the regulations that RONALD REAGAN Lifted that has caused this industry to become so powerful.




Space Cadet
How did higher gas prices affect the 2012 election? Oh ya, they didnt. Now the same claim is being spouted by the talking heads at FOX NEWS?

Please. People understand whats happening with the oil industry. Its simple, we are being ripped off.

Like I said before. The oil industry for the last 10 years have raised the price of a barrel of oil in february without justification. They take the first quarter and leave january alone, then in february they start hiking the price rapidly each day for the whole month, then in march they start to "walk it back".

This week alone, the decline has already started. Oil is down 5 bucks a barrel in 4 days and will continue to drop through next month.

Then, once down around the point where they started to jack it up, they will leave it for april, then in may start the rapid increases again. They will do this every quarter all year round.

There is NO reason for these increases. There is more oil in the country than we can possibly use. The stockpiles of oil are staggering and these stockpiles are being sold overseas.

We are STILL exporting more oil than we are importing, and thanks to President Obamas actions, domestic production is the highest its been since 1949.

Its time to consider regulating the oil industry again in this country, and restore the regulations that RONALD REAGAN Lifted that has caused this industry to become so powerful.



Amen, Brother!

Oil prices down sharply for a 2nd day - Yahoo! News


Well-Known Member
Everyone repeat after me. High gas prices during Clintons administration --were Bushes fault-

High gas prices during Bushes administration --were Bushes fault.

High gas prices during the obama administration --are Bushes fault.

You psychos are pitiful !!:funny:

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Everyone repeat after me. High gas prices during Clintons administration --were Bushes fault-

High gas prices during Bushes administration --were Bushes fault.

High gas prices during the obama administration --are Bushes fault.

You psychos are pitiful !!:funny:


I see history escapes you. ( as usual )

When Reagan took office, oil was at 5 bucks a barrel (regulations kept it at 5 bucks for decades!), but Reagan lifted those regulations telling americans that "competition" would keep the price low. Next, he allowed the systematic purchasing of oil companies by the largest companies and "they" shut down those smaller operations. Thirdly, under Reagans term and Bush1, they shut down almost 50% of the USA's refining capacity in order to drive the price of oil per barrel higher. When Reagan left, Oil was at 12 bucks a barrel, almost three times higher, then BUSH1 took control and oil rose to 24 bucks a barrel now DOUBLE Reagans accomplishment.

When Clinton took office, oil stayed STABLE for 8 years and the price per gallon nationally averaged 1.62 for 8 years.

Then your ALL AMERICAN HERO GW BUSH took office and oil skyrocketed to 150.00 a barrel.. thats a 400% increase ISLAND.

The price per gallon rose faster than in any time in history and reached 5 bucks a gallon at its peak. 3 months before the 2008 election, oil per barrel crashed to near 30 bucks a barrel ( where it should be ) and the price per gallon dropped to near 1.75 a gallon on election day 2008.

Today, domestic production is the highest its ever been since 1949, and for the first time since 1949, we are exporting more oil than we are importing into the USA.

Our stockpiles are being sold to china and india instead of "storing" that oil and bringing prices down. But of course, YOU and MORELUCK would call that "capitalism" and you should remain silent, but instead, you complain.

The oil industry is simply RIPPING us off and unless the goverment does something about its monopoly with the traders and refiners, then they will continue to rip us off.




bella amicizia

I see history escapes you. ( as usual )

When Reagan took office, oil was at 5 bucks a barrel (regulations kept it at 5 bucks for decades!), but Reagan lifted those regulations telling americans that "competition" would keep the price low. Next, he allowed the systematic purchasing of oil companies by the largest companies and "they" shut down those smaller operations. Thirdly, under Reagans term and Bush1, they shut down almost 50% of the USA's refining capacity in order to drive the price of oil per barrel higher. When Reagan left, Oil was at 12 bucks a barrel, almost three times higher, then BUSH1 took control and oil rose to 24 bucks a barrel now DOUBLE Reagans accomplishment.

When Clinton took office, oil stayed STABLE for 8 years and the price per gallon nationally averaged 1.62 for 8 years.

Then your ALL AMERICAN HERO GW BUSH took office and oil skyrocketed to 150.00 a barrel.. thats a 400% increase ISLAND.

The price per gallon rose faster than in any time in history and reached 5 bucks a gallon at its peak. 3 months before the 2008 election, oil per barrel crashed to near 30 bucks a barrel ( where it should be ) and the price per gallon dropped to near 1.75 a gallon on election day 2008.

Today, domestic production is the highest its ever been since 1949, and for the first time since 1949, we are exporting more oil than we are importing into the USA.

Our stockpiles are being sold to china and india instead of "storing" that oil and bringing prices down. But of course, YOU and MORELUCK would call that "capitalism" and you should remain silent, but instead, you complain.

The oil industry is simply RIPPING us off and unless the goverment does something about its monopoly with the traders and refiners, then they will continue to rip us off.


As Island says, what has Obama done? Nothing.


The Nim

I see history escapes you. ( as usual )

When Reagan took office, oil was at 5 bucks a barrel (regulations kept it at 5 bucks for decades!), but Reagan lifted those regulations telling americans that "competition" would keep the price low. Next, he allowed the systematic purchasing of oil companies by the largest companies and "they" shut down those smaller operations. Thirdly, under Reagans term and Bush1, they shut down almost 50% of the USA's refining capacity in order to drive the price of oil per barrel higher. When Reagan left, Oil was at 12 bucks a barrel, almost three times higher, then BUSH1 took control and oil rose to 24 bucks a barrel now DOUBLE Reagans accomplishment.

When Clinton took office, oil stayed STABLE for 8 years and the price per gallon nationally averaged 1.62 for 8 years.

Then your ALL AMERICAN HERO GW BUSH took office and oil skyrocketed to 150.00 a barrel.. thats a 400% increase ISLAND.

The price per gallon rose faster than in any time in history and reached 5 bucks a gallon at its peak. 3 months before the 2008 election, oil per barrel crashed to near 30 bucks a barrel ( where it should be ) and the price per gallon dropped to near 1.75 a gallon on election day 2008.

Today, domestic production is the highest its ever been since 1949, and for the first time since 1949, we are exporting more oil than we are importing into the USA.

Our stockpiles are being sold to china and india instead of "storing" that oil and bringing prices down. But of course, YOU and MORELUCK would call that "capitalism" and you should remain silent, but instead, you complain.

The oil industry is simply RIPPING us off and unless the goverment does something about its monopoly with the traders and refiners, then they will continue to rip us off.



Ok, let's follow this. Reagan and H.W. Bush caused oil prices to rise. Then Clinton cause it to not change. W. Bush then followed by making it rise even more. Now here comes Obama, and look at that oil prices haven't fallen below W. Bush levels. Oh wait, it's not going to because Obama admin officials have stated they want fuel and energy costs to go up so that "green" energy is cost effective.

Yeah, there's no reason for fuel and energy costs to be so high given the supply, until you look at who is benefiting. . .

Isn't Mr. Buffet benefiting as a sole owner of a railroad company that is setup to transport oil from the end of the xl pipeline that isn't being made to where it would go?


Well-Known Member
TOS is a typicall liberal. Re-writes History to fit his fairy tale --reguritates it so frequently --he believes it himself.

Was it not Clinton (Bill) who was the first one that stated Obama was just a fairy tale --nothing there.:happy-very:

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
TOS is a typicall liberal. Re-writes History to fit his fairy tale --reguritates it so frequently --he believes it himself.

Was it not Clinton (Bill) who was the first one that stated Obama was just a fairy tale --nothing there.:happy-very:

REFUTE what i said then. You want to talk about fairy tales? Then give us your explanation for what happened to the oil industry starting in 1980.




TELL ME AGAIN how conservatives are better for the oil industry and americans at the pump? In every CONSERVATIVE administration, oil prices skyrocketed for the time starting with Reagan, then BUSH 1 , then BUSH 2. The record is clear, under clintons term, the price of oil stayed stable for 8 years.

Who is re writing history? Sounds like you FAIL to remember history.

How do you explain this?




Staff member
I don't see how anyone believes any president has more than a couple cents worth influence on fuel price. Global market, people.