While Chicago was thinking about banning an eatery, 7 people were killed by gangs on the street overnight Priorities!!
Recently, the Boy Scouts of America, renewed their rule that no gays will be allowed to join them.
Where is all the wrath of all the elected officials over this fact ????????????????????????? Hey, governors of America, put your opinions out there equally !!
Because we ALL know gays are already in The Boy Scouts and the Catholic Church
Sorry but the gun thread has changed into another hi-jacked thread.Maybe this post should be moved to the "guns" thread
What is actually an American Christian ?
Not even close to those of Europe or even Mexico !
Every Friday was no meat day when I worked in Germany.
Good Friday esspecially. Even Mac Donalds doesn't serve meat that day in Europe, or they are closed.
It's also against the law to play music after 4pm on Good Friday in pubs.
What is actually an American Christian ?
Not even close to those of Europe or even Mexico !
Every Friday was no meat day when I worked in Germany.
Good Friday esspecially. Even Mac Donalds doesn't serve meat that day in Europe, or they are closed.
It's also against the law to play music after 4pm on Good Friday in pubs.
Christian:A Christian is a follower of Christ; one who professes belief in Jesus as the Christ and follows his teachings.
"According to the Bible, Jesus is the promised Messiah foretold in the Hebrew Scriptures. His Hebrew name is “Yeshua”, which means “Salvation”. He is the only begotten Son of God, God come in the flesh, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, who suffered, and was crucified for the sins of the world. He died and was buried, and on the third day, He rose again from the dead having the keys of hell and death. Soon afterward He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father, and will soon return to judge both the living and the dead."
An America Christian would be one of these guys described above, that lives in America.
As far as the meat on Friday thing....That's Roman Catholic.
Sometimes I wonder what world you are from.......Ork? I hate most fish whether it has fins or lips or eyelashes!!.....and it's got nothing to do with religion.....What about you eating fish without scales and fins? A no no in the christian bible.