There's a lot in today’s world that make little or no sense to me, besides this current topic:
Condoms, but not Bibles or abstinence education, are handed out in schools.
Despite a bill that Bush quickly passed, Teri Schiavo was still starved to death.
If it’s hot, cold, or normal, it’s global warming,
Bush lied when he said Iraq had WMD, but people believe Clinton, Kerry, Ted Kennedy, the French, Germans, Russians, and the U.N.…
Where everyone believed Clarence Thomas' one and only accuser, Paula Jones, Juanita Broderick, Monica Lewinsky, Jennifer Flowers and Kathryn Willey lack credibility…..
Now here’s another new controversy.
For those involved in the raging debate that homosexuality may be genetically predestined, be careful what you wish for. The U. of Chicago was the last institution to study this topic a couple of years back and it came up with basic findings that still need further research. Now here's the thing. What if this could be proven and identified in utero? Would this change anybody’s mind on the status of abortion? People abort right now for too many reasons already; financial hardships, pressure from the parents, Downs syndrome, disruption to educations and careers. How many people would be quick to abort if their child was predisposed to be gay?