Klein, I am looking to buy a couple houses in Vegas...Should I be looking to buy 4 or 5 houses instead? I could swing maybe 5 if I moved some numbers around. The bank would finance it. But If my income level gets cut I will have a problem. I would be over leveraged. That is the California way or the obama way. Over leverage now and worry about the results at a later time. There are other ways, STOP SPENDING...CUT OUTLANDISH SOCIAL PROGRAMS.
And here I thought, all the houses were bought while Bush was president.
Man, was that ever a fast turn over of houses. Obama gets in, starts the housing bubble, and within a month, (before the paperwork and deed are done) the bubble bursted.
Wow, he is a miracle man , by all means.
Stop spending should have been in place when Bush was in power.
Opposite to you, Canada ran a budget surplus 11 years in a row, prior to this recession.
All it takes for us, is to stop the stimulus, and debt repayment begins automatically.
The US in the other hand, has to figure out , not just how to tackle this new debt, but also how to tackle the last 10 or more years of running a budget deficit.
Basically, major cuts on it's way.
Another thing you need to figure out is how to run a trade surplus, that hasn't been possible, either, over the last decade or more.
And, I don't need to hear the poor excuse, that you can't compete with Asia or Mexico. Germany exports more then any other country in the world !
(besides the year 2009, China topped them by a little).