Surprised this is such an issue. Let us say you are scheduled at 4:00 am. You arrive at 3:50, go through the guard shack, clock in around 3:55 give or take a minute. Then you get your ice on your way to your work area. Let us say you hit your work area between 3:58 and 4:00 AM. You do not get paid until your start time!!! Hello!!! Does not matter when you clock in. 3:55 is going to register as 4:00 on your timesheet anyways. Yes, it is a good idea to arrive at least 10 minutes before your start time to make starting your work day easier.
Here let me fix that for you
Arrive at 3:50.
Pass the guard shack and enter the building at 3:55. Grab a diad and punch in.
Oh wait they're all gone or in base com.
Talk to a sup.
Sup comes out and swaps some batteries around, hands you a board with 40% on it.
Punch in at 4:02. No wait it's restarting.
Punch in at 4:05. Okay now the keyboard isn't working, get the sup again.
They go do some uploading or downloading or something and get you another board.
Punch in at 4:12, go get some water/ice.
"You were supposed to do that before you punched in!!"