How ya gonna prove who did it?
I would be defending not proving but if management really didn’t want this behavior to continue and if it was a high priority of Local Union officials, I do believe it would have been dealt with long ago.
The behavior has been going of for many years.
Simple truth, anyone with an ounce of dignity and respect for themselves would regularly use a
public restroom while on route, even if it costs the company money.
If the company has a problem with this they should buy trucker urinal kits and supply one personally to each driver. They are available for purchase.
I do recognize that in an extreme emergency a pee bottle maybe needed to avoid peeing one’s self.
In these rare instances, and they should be rare, the driver should take the per bottle with them when they return to the center, empty it in a urinal or commode at the center, rinse the bottle out and dispose of the bottle in the correct recycling container.