Well-Known Member
Your not paying attention here Brett, or maybe you just suffer from selective hearing. My previous post are examples of blatant racism, yet know rebuttal. Those messages go out to millions of gulible listeners out there in Conservative land. More than 200 hundred days into his Presidency and there's still misinformed Americans questioning his legitimacy, his religion, and his birth state.
The Obama Adm should not, and will not, address this trumped up mfg'ed race card issue, that conservatives are trying to conjure up. They are above that, and have bigger fish to fry. But, since many conservatives are hammering the left/Dem's of using the race card, it's easy to ignore their own self indignations. Mudslinging hurts when the mud is thrown back in your face....
The only trumped up racism remarks are coming from you and your ilk. Anyone who disagrees with the President is labeled a racist. Although nobody seems to be able to prove it beyond the name calling. It doesn't stop the intellectually lazy like yourself from throwing out a word that you have no clue as to what the actual meaning is.
Let me put it to you another way. When you call Glenn Beck or any other conservative racist for disagreeing with the President you sound like the kid in this picture.