Gloating over hall Charges


My Senior Picture
Dude I'm making all that money because hall negotiated is on all out behalf.
You're making "all that money", because of the sacrifices, struggles, and perseverance of a century's worth of Teamsters before us.

Ken H is but a blip on the radar, that has facilitated concession filled contracts for this generation of UPSer's.


My Senior Picture
Aren't we all.... Benefiting, from those struggles ??
Absolutely, but I was replying to @LeadBelly2.0, who was as usual, talking about himself....

.....hence the contraction "you're".

I suspect and worry that those that follow us will not have it as well, from our failure to pay it forward like those before us did.

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In my two plus decades of being a teamster there have been many constants but one that I'd like to acknowledge at this moment is the wages benefit and care contract language I've had to work with negotiated by Kenny. It's given me a foothold to make a better way for myself my family and the members I try to help.
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Well-Known Member
In my two plus decades of being a teamster there have been many constants but one that I'd like to acknowledge at this moment is the wages benefit and care contract language I've had to work with negotiated by Kenny. It's given me a foothold to make a better way for myself my family and the members I try to help.
Did you edit something or did the mods???? You are a family man and everybody here no matter what they think about you need to respect that....