Global warming

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Global Warming is a scam backed by junk science. We haven't even been able to measure temperatures or been keeping records long enough to accurately gauge temperature spikes and drops. Basing rising temperatures on the short amount of time we have been would be like assuming it will be 1000 degrees in December based on the temperature increases between April and August.

The planet's climate has always moved in cycles. Archaeological evidence shows that temperatures and water levels have both been rising and lowering long before humans were around. But I guess our standard global warming nutcase would just contribute that to the deadly affects of CO2 emmisions that were passed from the rear ends of dinosaurs.


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
Good news Moreluck, the media is reporting these early storms. Iranian media.

That has to bite! :wink2:
As I have told you tens of times before....if it's in red, I don't click on it because I can't read the red print on the brown BC background and I know not what I'd be clicking on. All of your links are in red, so therefore I read nothing you post!!


Inordinately Right
As I have told you tens of times before....if it's in red, I don't click on it because I can't read the red print on the brown BC background and I know not what I'd be clicking on. All of your links are in red, so therefore I read nothing you post!!
Why am I just now learning of this?


Well-Known Member
Let's be honest – the global warming debate isn't about science | Dana Nuccitelli | Environment |

It's not rocket science, we're cooking the planet.

'Ultimately this climate 'debate' is not about science. The scientific evidence is crystal clear that humans are causing rapid global warming. The longer we wait to do something about it, the more climate change we commit ourselves to, and higher the chances are for a climate catastrophe. From a risk management perspective, failing to take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is just plain stupid. Opposition to climate action isn't about the science, it's about the politics and policies.'

Whether you like it or not, us humans are changing the climate.

But maybe we're in a 'bla-bla-blah' cycle, so the 'science' doesn't matter?



Well-Known Member
Ashame we don't have a real free market to give more weight to your cartoon.

V.I. Lenin also said it well:

Socialism is merely state-capitalist monopoly which is made to serve the interest of the whole people and has, to that extent, ceased to be capitalist monopoly. The new means of control have been created not by us, but by capitalism in its military imperialist stage.

Socialism, in reality, comes in 2 manifestations. It just depends on who is in charge at any given moment as to what we think it is.


golden ticket member
Hold on to your seats for the shock of a lifetime, Al Gore is full of s****t.

Via Climate Depot:
‘Whether you’re talking about tornadoes, wildfires, extreme heat or hurricanes, the good news is that weather-related disasters in the US are all way down this year compared to recent years and, in some cases, down to historically low levels.’

Tornadoes: ‘lowest total in several decades’

Number of wildfires: ‘On pace to be the lowest it has been in the past ten years’

Extreme Heat: The number of 100 degree days may ‘turn out to be the lowest in about 100 years of records’

Hurricanes: ‘We are currently in the longest period (8 years) since the Civil War Era without a major hurricane strike in the US (i.e., category 3, 4 or 5)’ ( last major hurricane to strike the US was Hurricane Wilma in 2005)


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link

You are aware that climate change includes more than just the continental US, right?

Talk to an Aussie about wildfires, or an Indian about cyclones, or to someone n the US Southwest about over 100 degree days.

BTW, Climate Depot is funded by, well, look it up yourself.


golden ticket member
Oopsie. Climate change experts ????

Via Free Beacon:

A group of “climate change experts” that discovered a 507-year-old clam that was the world’s oldest known creature killed it in the process of determining its age.
The scientists, determined to count the rings on the inside of the clam’s shell, killed the creature instantly when they opened it up.

The Bangor University scientists who murdered the creature also got its age wrong when they published their initial findings, reports the Mirror.



Strength through joy
here's the problem as I see it .
The USA can pass all the laws they want to curb this climate change as they see it .
That is all fine & good .
But who is going to stop some backwater third grade country from continuing and / or increasing their emissions ?
Will we have to invade them to make them comply with our standards ?
And who is to say that our laws should be the world standards ?


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Oopsie. Climate change experts ????

Via Free Beacon:
A group of “climate change experts” that discovered a 507-year-old clam that was the world’s oldest known creature killed it in the process of determining its age.
The scientists, determined to count the rings on the inside of the clam’s shell, killed the creature instantly when they opened it up.

The Bangor University scientists who murdered the creature also got its age wrong when they published their initial findings, reports the Mirror.

Hyperbole much?

It was an Ocean Scientist, not a 'climate change expert' and since when is killing a clam murder?


golden ticket member
Hyperbole much?

It was an Ocean Scientist, not a 'climate change expert' and since when is killing a clam murder?
Maybe you should address your concerns to the Free Beacon !!

There are many definitions of murder......besides just killing a human.
Even a flock of crows is a murder.