Global warming


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself


Well-Known Member
Reality ---Many UPS drivers are hoping for a little more "Global Warming" as they experience record LOW temperatures this peak.


Well-Known Member
Sure --you are always right ---

Summers unusually cool = Global Warming
Summers unusually warm= Global Warming
Winters unusually cool = Global Warming
Winters unusually warm=Global warming

Change that --that is why you USUALLY believe you are always right ---excuse me I meant left.:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
Sure --you are always right ---

Summers unusually cool = Global Warming
Summers unusually warm= Global Warming
Winters unusually cool = Global Warming
Winters unusually warm=Global warming

Change that --that is why you USUALLY believe you are always right ---excuse me I meant left.:happy-very:

Which part of "weather has not been a factor in my neck of the woods" are you having difficulties with?


Sure --you are always right ---

Summers unusually cool = Global Warming
Summers unusually warm= Global Warming
Winters unusually cool = Global Warming
Winters unusually warm=Global warming

Change that --that is why you USUALLY believe you are always right ---excuse me I meant left.:happy-very:
You really do have your head in the sand don't you?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Sure --you are always right ---

Summers unusually cool = Global Warming
Summers unusually warm= Global Warming
Winters unusually cool = Global Warming
Winters unusually warm=Global warming

Change that --that is why you USUALLY believe you are always right ---excuse me I meant left.:happy-very:

GLOBAL Warming isnt your neighborhood being cold or warm ISLAND. If you had any knowledge of climates you would know that. The fact that our polar caps are melting is the issue and the effect they have on global weather patterns.

Maybe if you didnt rely on Rush Limbaughs science lessons you would know that. But you prefer to get your climate facts from an uneducated drug addict and then think you are a genious.



Well-Known Member
Which part of "weather has not been a factor in my neck of the woods" are you having difficulties with?


If I Addressed my reply to you -- take offense--otherwise -- well you know the rest.

Just sick and tired of all the Left climate experts---let's try to get something simple like a website to work -- before trying to be Climate

and weather expert as you sort,load and deliver packages


Well-Known Member

Every time there is a weather "event" the Climate change wackos raise their dopey little voices. With simpletons --you cannot discuss just Climate change or weather ----they link them everytime !!

If you are so "hooked" on Time as it relates to Climate and weather ---I would suggest you spend ALL of your Time researching the natural warming and cooling cycles from the beginning of recorded time.:cool-little:

There are much smarter people than you and I that have spent their lives --researching and disagreeing !!!:smart:


Well-Known Member
last year..... so what does that have to do with CLIMATE change.
Maybe we should start a new thread where people discuss the WEATHER.


I guess you have never heard --the ice is melting ===Climate change !! ---The ice is growing Climate change !!!

The world's temperature has gone up --Climate change !!!
The world's temperature has gone down --Climate Change !!!

The only people not worrying about Climate change are the phony Al Gores of the world --laughing at the rest of us as they fly their money in private jets, have huge homes,drink champayne in limosines and sell their radio networks to Oil producers.

Enough already --change the weather channel . In the next two billion years the earths temperature -may go up --or down a few degrees ---won't much matter to you and tos. Its Climate Change


Well-Known Member
A little "Education"

Solar Grand Max----warming --ending:hot:

Solar Grand Min---cooling --on the horizon.:cold:

Hot than cold --cold than hot --hot than cold --cold than hot forever and ever and ever :angel: