Global warming


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
Change the name of this thread --Al Gore and the Libs are insulted ---its now Climate Change --Stupid !!!

I have to go shovel my driveway --again !! Before a polar bear moves in !! After all there is no more ice at the poles !!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Change the name of this thread --Al Gore and the Libs are insulted ---its now Climate Change --Stupid !!!

I have to go shovel my driveway --again !! Before a polar bear moves in !! After all there is no more ice at the poles !!!

We all get it, Science escapes you. Limbaugh, with his D average high school education has convinced you that there is no global climate change and all the wierd weather around the world is just some kind of coincedence.

We get it, your brain dead.



Well-Known Member
Same old spiel -- Limbaugh --fox--has gotten real old.
Not witty,funny nor true.

Just amazing your totally mesmerized by these programs.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Change the name of this thread --Al Gore and the Libs are insulted ---its now Climate Change --Stupid !!!

I have to go shovel my driveway --again !! Before a polar bear moves in !! After all there is no more ice at the poles !!!
Pls refer to post #71..P.S. the reporter...


The Nim
I don't deny that climate change exists, but I feel that it is hubris to think that humans are a cause of it. They may influence it to a very minor amount, but with things like solar patterns, volcanos, and the position of the earths orbit, the effect humans have is negligible. The climate will warm and cool as it has over the millennia and as best(worst) we as humans with our activities speed it up a decade or two. Even if we stopped our carbon emissions 100% through industrial means and only hunted and farmed our food, no electricity and fire only to cook our food, we'd still go through the climate changes that have always happened.