Global warming


golden ticket member
:groooansmileyf:Let's just do away with summer, fall ,winter & spring !!

He’s always finding new ways to piss away our money.
WASHINGTON — As part of a broader effort to fight global warming, President Obama will propose in his 2015 budget a new $1 billion “climate resilience” fund, the White House said.
The effort is designed to spur new research into how communities and infrastructure can be better prepared for the impacts of climate change and to fund new technologies “that will make us more resilient in the face of changing climate,” the administration said.
More details about the fund will be released when the president unveils his 2015 budget next month.


Well-Known Member
like to join in the discussion but I got to go shovel some more of that global warming in my yard. I also have to dress warm to protect myself from that global warming. Then I put on some good boots so I don't slip on that global warming stuff. Phew man I wish I could buy some real global warming about now.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Hey moreluck, as you make fun of the NON CLIMATE CHANGE, how about talking about the 91 degrees here in los angeles today ( friday on February 14th 201)

This isnt normal. Global Warming IS changing weather patterns, and maybe if you goofs learned a little about science, its not about getting HOTTER, its about global warming affecting WEATHER CHANGES around the world.

That means colder winters, warmer summers. IT means, warmer climates in winter sectors, and colder temps in areas not used to colder climates like Atlanta getting snow.

Anyone who believes the weather isnt changing, should come to california. Its sunny and hot today... in the middle of winter. 91 degrees yesterday.



golden ticket member
Hey moreluck, as you make fun of the NON CLIMATE CHANGE, how about talking about the 91 degrees here in los angeles today ( friday on February 14th 201)

This isnt normal. Global Warming IS changing weather patterns, and maybe if you goofs learned a little about science, its not about getting HOTTER, its about global warming affecting WEATHER CHANGES around the world.

That means colder winters, warmer summers. IT means, warmer climates in winter sectors, and colder temps in areas not used to colder climates like Atlanta getting snow.

Anyone who believes the weather isnt changing, should come to california. Its sunny and hot today... in the middle of winter. 91 degrees yesterday.

I don't live in L.A. so I don't care. It's currently (9:20) 57 degrees at Pendleton (my neighbor) . Quite comfortable and sweatshirt weather. Maybe you should move to a more moderate climate !!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Photo of temps just a little after 1pm yesterday..

It peaked at 91 degrees.

Moreluck youre not in los angeles county. Youre off the coast. Still should be raining there at this time of year.


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