Global warming


nowhere special
I agreed to the terms.

Those are denier blog posts, not peer reviewed papers.


Your posts were links from liberal blogs to some supposedly peer reviewed articles, not the articles themselves, and it was done by the same people who have the same agenda to promote climate change, not independent review. There was nothing wrong with av8torntm's posts other than he was upsetting you by proving you wrong.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Roadrunner act like an adult, honor your agreement and ban yourself.

Next? Mrsfedex?
Your post had one peer reviewed, scientific paper in it. It was a link to a paper discussing the climate 65 million years ago. Of course, there were no humans then, nor fossil fueled industry.

It would have been very easy to just say 'look at post #339', but then you couldn't have been a drama queen for a few days.

Time's up, time for your ban.


Engorged Member
Well, of course, this is a period after a mini ice age. It should be warmer but that doesn't explain why it hasn't gotten warmer in 15 years does it? I mean carbon is still around and besides if there were no more carbon we wouldn't even be here.

I'm beginning to think that you guys just hate trees.

Dude, you are thick. I guess Libertarianism damages the brain.


Well-Known Member
av8rntn, perhaps you don't know what a link is. You have produced no links to peer reviewed papers, just regurgitated junk from Anthony Watt

av8torntn said:
I say that I linked to peer reviewed papers on global warming/ climate change and you claim repeatedly that I didn't correct?

I agreed to the terms.

Ok the wager was that I did not link to peer reviewed papers with a penalty of banning.

Carbon dioxide forcing alone insufficient to explain Palaeocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum warming

You admitted this was a peer reviewed paper published in a journal.

Amplifying the Pacific Climate System Response to a Small 11-Year Solar Cycle Forcing

This was another peer review paper that I linked to for you. These are the particulars for this paper.

Science 28 August 2009:
Vol. 325 no. 5944 pp. 1114-1118
DOI: 10.1126/science.1172872

  • Received for publication 27 February 2009.
  • Accepted for publication 17 July 2009.
This is probably my favorite of the three.

The stadium wave

I only linked to the authors site instead of the peer reviewed publication on the off chance that you had wanted to read it so you wouldn't have to pay for it. From one of the top scientists in the field.

In any world that qualifies as "papers" from "peer reviewed" publications. Honor your word and get banned.

Thank you

Have a great life.....


Engorged Member
Well if you really want to refer to science as Stone Age thinking that's your call.

Libertarian "science" is Stone Age. I highly suspect that the founders of Libertarianism were two cave-dwellers named Oog and Ugg. Unfortunately, the philosophy has not evolved at all. You and Hoaxter are direct descendants of these two very limited individuals.


Well-Known Member
Libertarian "science" is Stone Age. I highly suspect that the founders of Libertarianism were two cave-dwellers named Oog and Ugg. Unfortunately, the philosophy has not evolved at all. You and Hoaxter are direct descendants of these two very limited individuals.

You devolved to name calling very rapidly. I expected nothing less from you.


Engorged Member
You devolved to name calling very rapidly. I expected nothing less from you.

Name-calling? I just compared you to Oog and Ugg. You should be honored I give you that much credit. Libertarianism is fatally flawed. Just look at the one country that employs it (Somalia) in order to see how effective the philosophy really is. Perhaps you should move there and put your intellect to work.


Well-Known Member
Name-calling? I just compared you to Oog and Ugg. You should be honored I give you that much credit. Libertarianism is fatally flawed. Just look at the one country that employs it (Somalia) in order to see how effective the philosophy really is. Perhaps you should move there and put your intellect to work.

Go to the correct thread and you will find that I posted a reply to that already. You may get your epic roadrunner beat down there.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Go to the correct thread and you will find that I posted a reply to that already. You may get your epic roadrunner beat down there.
So sad.

Ban yourself and take wolfboy with you.

My posting privileges are pretty much non-existent here anyway. Many posts that just contain links don't get approved by the powers to be.

Fear rules.