Global warming


Well-Known Member
Demonstratively false:


That's a pretty weak attempt, even by your standards, don't you think? I hope, anyway, that you realize that your article or graph doesn't demonstrate that there hasn't been warming in the last 15 years. You can keep trying to contradict science but you'll keep failing I'm sure.

Still eagerly awaiting your reply to those peer reviewed papers I linked to that you asked for.


Well-Known Member
Johnathan Overpeck – Picking what goes into IPCC AR4

"The trick may be to decide on the main message and use that to guid what’s included and what is left out. For the IPCC, we need to know what is relevant and useful for assessing recent and future climate change."


Well-Known Member
Mike Hulme -

"I am increasingly unconvinced by the majority of climate impact studies – including some of those I am involved in – and feel we are not really giving the right message to our audiences."


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
av8rntn, perhaps you don't know what a link is. You have produced no links to peer reviewed papers, just regurgitated junk from Anthony Watts


Well-Known Member
Johnathan Overpeck – Picking what goes into IPCC AR4

"The trick may be to decide on the main message and use that to guid what’s included and what is left out. For the IPCC, we need to know what is relevant and useful for assessing recent and future climate change."
You are just to easy bro. Don't quit your day job. :D


Well-Known Member
av8rntn, perhaps you don't know what a link is. You have produced no links to peer reviewed papers, just regurgitated junk from Anthony Watts

Of course I did. You are just being a little too lazy to read them or too afraid of them so you're just hiding. Maybe it's something as simple as you can't figure out how to click on the links. Who knows?


Well-Known Member
You are just to easy bro. Don't quit your day job. :D

Really? That quote was from one of the scientists your article used.

Also you shouldn't use media matters as a source since you've demanded peer reviewed studies you might consider holding yourself to the same standards or not.

Still waiting on your reply to the peer reviewed articles you demanded that I provided.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Of course I did. You are just being a little too lazy to read them or too afraid of them so you're just hiding. Maybe it's something as simple as you can't figure out how to click on the links. Who knows?
Really? That quote was from one of the scientists your article used.

Also you shouldn't use media matters as a source since you've demanded peer reviewed studies you might consider holding yourself to the same standards or not.

Still waiting on your reply to the peer reviewed articles you demanded that I provided.
You are confusing two different posters.

I have gone through every post you've made in this thread in the last week. You have not linked to any peer reviewed papers on the climate. If you had, it would be simple to link back to that post by number.

I linked to Mediamatters because it has the complete quotes you cherry picked in post #274, with explanations. If you would like to discuss what you believe to be happening (if anything) I would be more than happy to. If you to continue to be disingenuous, there is really no point in discussing anything with you.

Read this article, and tell me what you think:


Well-Known Member
Yale University lecture from April 2013' on using Solar GeoEngineering to control the effect of climate change.



Well-Known Member
Also, respected scientist Dr. Michio Kaku spoke with CBS News about the gov't conducting weather control experiments. Interesting what Dr. Kaku is describing using lasers is what many claimed was taking place with the H.A.R.P.P. array in Alaska using high concentration radio waves.



Well-Known Member
Also, respected scientist Dr. Michio Kaku spoke with CBS News about the gov't conducting weather control experiments. Interesting what Dr. Kaku is describing using lasers is what many claimed was taking place with the H.A.R.P.P. array in Alaska using high concentration radio waves.

I think I linked to to abstract of that paper or just read it. I thought that was kinda interesting.


Well-Known Member

I think it's funny. You demanded peer reviewed research and you link to a tabloid article that claims that even though rising temperatures were our proof that humans cause global warming now that temperatures are not rising the heat is just hiding and yes it's funny all the way around. Nobody can link to anything that doesn't meet your scientific standards but you. I suppose if you cannot win on science ya gotta do what ya gotta do.


nowhere special
I think it's funny. You demanded peer reviewed research and you link to a tabloid article that claims that even though rising temperatures were our proof that humans cause global warming now that temperatures are not rising the heat is just hiding and yes it's funny all the way around. Nobody can link to anything that doesn't meet your scientific standards but you. I suppose if you cannot win on science ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

Admit it. He will never admit he is wrong or that you supplied proof to support your statements. Nor will he supply any independent study that supports his claims - only liberal blogs with an agenda that reached conclusions before any studies were even made, and ignored any data that refuted their claims. We are not saying that global warming is not occurring (although that is very much in question). What we say and they refuse to counter is that their global warming studies had serious scientific flaws and as such must be treated skeptically. And there is no proof even from the far left that the primary cause of any climate change is because of man. They just assume that and base their conclusions on that.


Well-Known Member
The weather is always changing.

The Earth is BILLIONS of years old ---Climate studies --Just a blink in Time.

Look at the Northeast --severe snowstorms and Blizzards in the fifties and sixties.

The wacko warning then was ozone layer blocking the warmth of the sun-if we did not stop using spray bottles --we were all going to die from Global Cooling !!! No polar vortex talk.

Now --Major Snow in the Northeast --Global Warming --Polar vortex ---???

If all this Carbon Damage has been done --why is the "polar vortex" going to disappear in about four weeks ??--why does it not snow in summer ??

Summer Hot --Winter Cold --Good --Now lets once again get Obama re-focused --refocused -re-re-focused on JOBS !!!:offtopic: