Global warming


nowhere special
Quoting Greenpeace is an act of desperation. That organization has such an agenda against anything they have decided they don't like they can be safely placed in the crazy people corner.


Well-Known Member
Quoting Greenpeace is an act of desperation. That organization has such an agenda against anything they have decided they don't like they can be safely placed in the crazy people corner.
You mean how you guys quote faux news? I think faux news has the crazy people corner all filled up.


Well-Known Member
He cites his source at the end of the post.

Who not what. He claimed nothing could be valid unless a real name is put to the work(unless it's something used to advance his agenda). I was just curious who wrote that. I scanned it again and didn't see the name so since you seem to want to reply with some non relevant answer maybe you'd like to reply with a relevant one?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Quoting Greenpeace is an act of desperation. That organization has such an agenda against anything they have decided they don't like they can be safely placed in the crazy people corner.

Greenpeace is an organization that actually gives a crap about our environment. What do you know about the worlds oceans? Most likely nothing.

Do you know that off the coast of africa, they sink (scuttle) all the old ships in the world to rot off the coast? These ships contain asbestos and other harmful things that affect sea life and humans. Birth defects are appearing in the coastal cities in africa because of it. Rotting ships, oil, debris, fuel and other harmful material by the TONS sit decaying on the ocean floor, yet none of you give a hoot about it because it isnt off our coast.

What about the whales and dolphins that now are showing signs of cancerous tumors from all the radiation in the sea from all the atomic testing we have done in the pacific? What about the tons of radioactive water still seeping into the sea in the pacific from the japanese nuclear plant that cant be controlled?

What about the OVER fishing in waters off the coast of many third world countries? Leaving those seas EMPTY of all fish and sea life?

What about the brutal slaying of dolphins by citizens of the Faroe islands off Denmark?

Who will stand up for the sea life in this world? YOU GRAY?

You may side with big business and could care less about anything that lives or breathes outside your own home, but other people make a life and a sacrifice to protect lives other than their own.

While you need a gun to protect yourself from that "boogeyman" that haunts you everyday, sea life has no protections other than those concerned world citizens for fight for them.

This world isnt beyond human destruction and maybe you should take a giant look into world events before you criticise an organization doing the heavy lifting.



Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Who not what. He claimed nothing could be valid unless a real name is put to the work(unless it's something used to advance his agenda). I was just curious who wrote that. I scanned it again and didn't see the name so since you seem to want to reply with some non relevant answer maybe you'd like to reply with a relevant one?
You don't know what a 'wiki' is?

What climatologists or environmental scientists were quoted in your Heritage Foundation piece? What was relevant about it?

Quoting Greenpeace is an act of desperation. That organization has such an agenda against anything they have decided they don't like they can be safely placed in the crazy people corner.
So quoting the Heritage Foundation is not an act of desperation? The Heritage Foundation has no agenda?


nowhere special
Greenpeace is an organization that actually gives a crap about our environment. What do you know about the worlds oceans? Most likely nothing.

Do you know that off the coast of africa, they sink (scuttle) all the old ships in the world to rot off the coast? These ships contain asbestos and other harmful things that affect sea life and humans. Birth defects are appearing in the coastal cities in africa because of it. Rotting ships, oil, debris, fuel and other harmful material by the TONS sit decaying on the ocean floor, yet none of you give a hoot about it because it isnt off our coast.

What about the whales and dolphins that now are showing signs of cancerous tumors from all the radiation in the sea from all the atomic testing we have done in the pacific? What about the tons of radioactive water still seeping into the sea in the pacific from the japanese nuclear plant that cant be controlled?

What about the OVER fishing in waters off the coast of many third world countries? Leaving those seas EMPTY of all fish and sea life?

What about the brutal slaying of dolphins by citizens of the Faroe islands off Denmark?

Who will stand up for the sea life in this world? YOU GRAY?

You may side with big business and could care less about anything that lives or breathes outside your own home, but other people make a life and a sacrifice to protect lives other than their own.

While you need a gun to protect yourself from that "boogeyman" that haunts you everyday, sea life has no protections other than those concerned world citizens for fight for them.

This world isnt beyond human destruction and maybe you should take a giant look into world events before you criticise an organization doing the heavy lifting.


Your post just confirms my point about Greenpeace having an agenda to push so any statement they make will be blatantly biased.


Well-Known Member
So quoting the Heritage Foundation is not an act of desperation? The Heritage Foundation has no agenda?

Where did I "quote" the Heritage Foundation?

Of course the Heritage Foundation has an agenda. You can find it on their website. I don't think it's a secret but since you're not well versed.

"Founded in 1973, The Heritage Foundation is a research and educational institution—a think tank—whose mission is to formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense."


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
So you demanding names and sources is fine but giving them isn't? Hypocrite.
You keep mixing me up with another poster, and you obviously don't know what a 'wiki' is, otherwise you wouldn't keep asking who wrote it.

What climatologists or environmental scientists were quoted in your Heritage Foundation propaganda piece?


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Where did I "quote" the Heritage Foundation?
That was clearly a response to oldngray. You linked to a Heritage Foundation propaganda piece, I asked YOU what climatologists or environmental scientists were quoted in your Heritage Foundation propaganda piece?

Try to follow.


Well-Known Member
That was clearly a response to oldngray. You linked to a Heritage Foundation propaganda piece, I asked YOU what climatologists or environmental scientists were quoted in your Heritage Foundation propaganda piece?

Try to follow.

So you're saying oldngray quoted Heritage?

Since it wasn't about environmental science why would they quote a climatologist? You think they would do that just to suit you?

Please try and follow along.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
So you're saying oldngray quoted Heritage?

Since it wasn't about environmental science why would they quote a climatologist? You think they would do that just to suit you?

Please try and follow along.
My goodness. I have to choose my words carefully, so that they actually get posted, and not lost in the queue. Please try to follow along.

oldngray said quoting Greenpeace was weak, because they have an agenda. I pointed out that Heritage does as well. Nothing more, nothing less.

Your Heritage piece is entitled 'How The Media Misrepresents What Scientists Really Think About Climate Change', yet I could not see where it actually uses any thoughts, words, or conclusions reached by actual scientists. In other words, it is a propaganda piece having absolutely no basis in anything factual. It is a fluff piece written by someone with an agenda.

Is this clear enough for you?