Global warming


Well-Known Member
It was you that got slapped in the face my friend but that wasn't my hand that did the slapping. I'm sure I left quite an impression on your face.

Why don't you have enough wit to come up with your own jokes?

Maybe your global warming causes global cooling article was the joke?


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
It's come to this? You are actually using 'Steven Goddard' as a source? You are aware that 'Steven Goddard' isn't even a real person. Sigh.

For a 'smart guy' you sure fall for a lot of junk science. Maybe you are 'Steven Goddard'?

I'm sure you are fully aware that you are presenting a myopic view of climate by focusing on the weather in one small part of the world. There sure is a lot more red than blue in this image:

Here too:


Once again:



Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
That must have struck a nerve with you. I figured you'd claim the NOAA wasn't a legitimate source but you went full goofball, head in the sand mode and I wasn't even expecting that.
You should just post a cartoon at this point, you have no credibility whatsoever.

Did you bother to read your link?

Steve Goddard does not have a background in climate science. He has primarily published his articles in blogs and newspapers using a pseudonym, and it is unlikely he has ever published in a peer-reviewed journal on the subject.

A pseudonym isn't OK but claiming you're a scientist but can't give your name is just fine for you? Hypocrite

I would assume you are referring to the Reddit comment that sent you off the deep end. The one that he/she opened by saying:
"Throwaway for a real scientist here. I'd make my name, research area, and organization openly available, but the fact of the matter is that I don't like getting death threats."

They then followed up with this:
"I'm at the Ocean Sciences Meeting in Honolulu, sponsored by ASLO, TOS, and AGU. I was just at a tutorial session on the IPCC AR5 report a few days ago. The most recent IPCC report was prepared by ~300 scientists with the help of ~50 editors. These people reviewed over 9000 climate change articles to prepare their report, and their report received over 50,000 comments to improve it's quality and accuracy. I know you'll jump all over me for guesstimating these numbers, but I'm not going to waste more of my time looking it up. You can find the exact numbers if you really want them, and I know you argue just to be contrary."


Well-Known Member
You should just post a cartoon at this point, you have no credibility whatsoever.

Did you bother to read your link?

Steve Goddard does not have a background in climate science. He has primarily published his articles in blogs and newspapers using a pseudonym, and it is unlikely he has ever published in a peer-reviewed journal on the subject.

I would assume you are referring to the Reddit comment that sent you off the deep end. The one that he/she opened by saying:
"Throwaway for a real scientist here. I'd make my name, research area, and organization openly available, but the fact of the matter is that I don't like getting death threats."

Oh yes I suppose you think the leftists are a peaceful bunch.

You left out the solicitation for donations he made for far left politicians which if you were honest is what it all comes down to.

It's also pretty humorous how obsessed you were with ice and now it's we must have the name of the person using NOAA data. Why do you need his name? Are you still an ice age denier in the face of all this scientific evidence hypocrite?


Well-Known Member
You should just post a cartoon at this point, you have no credibility whatsoever.

Did you bother to read your link?

Steve Goddard does not have a background in climate science.

But if he isn't a real person how could he have a background in climate science or is it that you're claiming you cannot use NOAA data without being a climate scientist?


Well-Known Member
Entrenched interests and global warming deniers

There are many entrenched interests who benefit from the current energy infrastructure of our modern civilization. Commonly mentioned "villains" are oil companies (as well as their complicit politicians) who would stand to lose a lot of money if action were taken to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide dumped into the atmosphere, as this would imply a reduction in the use of fossil fuels such as oil. But consumers are "the other half" of the same problem and (for example) US drivers have been very resistant to an increase in petrol (also known as "gas" in the colonies) taxation.
Consequently, interests have spent a vast amount of cash[16] in an effort to discredit the science behind man-made global warming, and encourage global warming denialism.[17] ExxonMobil has been one of the prime movers and a recent Greenpeace report stated:
“”ExxonMobil’s campaign to fund “think tanks” and organizations that spread misinformation about the science and policies of global warming is now widely known. The company’s multimillion dollar campaign has undoubtedly contributed to public confusion and government inaction on global warming over the past decade."[18]
Greenpeace is still monitoring ExxonMobil's attempts to distort public opinion in this area as can be seen in their website exxonsecrets dedicated to exposing the company's activities.
The disinformation campaign is similar to that embarked on by the tobacco companies who wished to persuade people that cigarettes were healthy,[19] and the campaigns carried out by the oil companies when they wished to continue adding lead to petrol.
As a result of the actions of Exxon and others, many wacky global warming conspiracy theories have been invented. These conspiracy theories vary from the weird to the humorous.
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Well-Known Member
Entrenched interests and global warming deniers

There are many entrenched interests who benefit from the current energy infrastructure of our modern civilization. Commonly mentioned "villains" are oil companies (as well as their complicit politicians) who would stand to lose a lot of money if action were taken to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide dumped into the atmosphere, as this would imply a reduction in the use of fossil fuels such as oil. But consumers are "the other half" of the same problem and (for example) US drivers have been very resistant to an increase in petrol (also known as "gas" in the colonies) taxation.
Consequently, interests have spent a vast amount of cash[16] in an effort to discredit the science behind man-made global warming, and encourage global warming denialism.[17] ExxonMobil has been one of the prime movers and a recent Greenpeace report stated:
“”ExxonMobil’s campaign to fund “think tanks” and organizations that spread misinformation about the science and policies of global warming is now widely known. The company’s multimillion dollar campaign has undoubtedly contributed to public confusion and government inaction on global warming over the past decade."[18]
Greenpeace is still monitoring ExxonMobil's attempts to distort public opinion in this area as can be seen in their website exxonsecrets dedicated to exposing the company's activities.
The disinformation campaign is similar to that embarked on by the tobacco companies who wished to persuade people that cigarettes were healthy,[19] and the campaigns carried out by the oil companies when they wished to continue adding lead to petrol.
As a result of the actions of Exxon and others, many wacky global warming conspiracy theories have been invented. These conspiracy theories vary from the weird to the humorous.

Who did you steal this from?