Global warming


nowhere special
TOS can always be relied on to post everything said on Fox so nobody else needs to. He is such a loyal fan of Fox. Helping them remain #1 in ratings.


nowhere special

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Don't forget Rush, too.

Exactly. Rush, who barely made it out of high school, and flunked out of his first semester in college, and who's mother even has gone on the record saying Limbaugh couldnt even get a D in a ballroom dance class and didnt belong in college, continues to give his "scientific" advice to his loyal listeners daily.

Limbaugh, who is knowledgeable about nothing, uses pure rhetoric to make his political points to people just dumb enough to dial in everyday.

Rush, on behalf of the oil industry, where he is heavily invested and connected, needs to be the unofficial mouthpiece for the industry.

Of course he is going to try and debunk global warming no matter how he does it. Lies and distortions he gets when his talking points are given to him by the Heritage Foundation daily is how he operates.

Only idiots believe he is speaking his "own" mind.

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Strength through joy
Exactly. Rush, who barely made it out of high school, and flunked out of his first semester in college, and who's mother even has gone on the record saying Limbaugh couldnt even get a D in a ballroom dance class and didnt belong in college, continues to give his "scientific" advice to his loyal listeners daily.

Limbaugh, who is knowledgeable about nothing, uses pure rhetoric to make his political points to people just dumb enough to dial in everyday.

Rush, on behalf of the oil industry, where he is heavily invested and connected, needs to be the unofficial mouthpiece for the industry.

Of course he is going to try and debunk global warming no matter how he does it. Lies and distortions he gets when his talking points are given to him by the Heritage Foundation daily is how he operates.

Only idiots believe he is speaking his "own" mind.

I am amazed that you are so well informed about a radio show host that you claim not to listen to .


Strength through joy
“I think if you were to go around to most of the — what I would think of as super-sophisticated people who think about politics and policy more than five minutes a month — we are doing really well.”

“And the question in the United States of America is how are we doing with everybody else, which is the 99.5 percent of the people whose lives are very busy and complicated and pressing and they don’t have a lot of time to think about the things that don’t immediately impact themselves and their family. "

Billionaire hedge-fund manager Tom Steyer attempted to explain why there is still a sizable portion of Americans that do not buy in to global warming alarmism .

Maybe we should have a poll ....
Who considers themselves the lucky .05% ?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I am amazed that you are so well informed about a radio show host that you claim not to listen to .

When did I say i didnt listen to him? What i have said, is that I DO listen to him, so I can see what it is you people on this thread post so I know where your sources are.

Just like oldgray/islandfox using the "low information voter" line, this line comes from limbaugh and limbaugh only.

No other idiot would say such a thing on television unless they were repeating limbaughs coined phrase.

Then, when these guys post it here, it gives up their source.



nowhere special
Only a low information voter would claim only Limbaugh is against the global warming/climate change myth. I don't follow him but don't need to since you are one of his faithful follower. You just can't admit that those who disagree with you do so because they can read information from many sources and decide for themselves. It requires a functional brain which is unknown to liberals.


Well-Known Member
I'd take the climate change advocates a lot more serious if they would make more of the issue that the largest user of petroleum is the US Gov't, more specifically, the military. Seems to me most climate change advocates would make the largest petroleum user even larger rather than smaller thus growing the very problem in which they claim to fight. Those wanting to scale the state back would be the most environmentally conscience. Oh the irony!


Well-Known Member
That might be true but then this raises the question of why a large segment of the absolutists pro military are themselves anti-renewable energy? Seems to me the gov't throwing money into this energy segment is in fact a result of a serious vested interest used to protect the Homeland.