Global warming

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Troll a nice little piece from the article I linked for you.

" Although the Earth's average surface temperature rose sharply by 0.9 degree Fahrenheit during the last quarter of the 20th century, it has increased much more slowly for the past 16 years, even as the human contribution to atmospheric carbon dioxide has risen by some 25%. "
The only rising emperature patterns we need to worry about only occurs whenever limousine liberals hop on their private jets or yachts to go attend climate change events and whenever liberals open their mouths about ANYTHING.

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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The only rising emperature patterns we need to worry about only occurs whenever limousine liberals hop on their private jets or yachts to go attend climate change events and whenever liberals open their mouths about ANYTHING.

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Oh geez, the peanut gallery intervenes with the Rush Limbaugh examples.. Oh please.



Strength through joy
Mountains of trash , lots of diesel buses , and a-listers flying in just to be seen .
Sure does sound like a typical liberal screw up , in order to save the planet we first have to complete it's total destruction .


golden ticket member

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
A well-documented rise in temperatures along the U.S. West Coast during the past century is almost entirely the result of natural forces — not human emissions of greenhouse gases, according to a major new study released Monday.

This was the best part of the story you posted. (as contained in your link)

""Both authors were quick to point out that their study does not in any way refute that temperatures globally are on the rise or that humans are responsible for that trend.

This doesn’t say that global warming is not happening,” Mantua said. “It doesn’t say human-caused climate change isn’t happening globally. It’s a regional story




nowhere special
This was the best part of the story you posted. (as contained in your link)

""Both authors were quick to point out that their study does not in any way refute that temperatures globally are on the rise or that humans are responsible for that trend.

This doesn’t say that global warming is not happening,” Mantua said. “It doesn’t say human-caused climate change isn’t happening globally. It’s a regional story



Your quote means nothing. My link was from a liberal source which shows how weak the case for AGW is, and despite the wishes of the authors the evidence does not support AGW. To the contrary, even though only a regional event it went against AGW.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Your quote means nothing. My link was from a liberal source which shows how weak the case for AGW is, and despite the wishes of the authors the evidence does not support AGW. To the contrary, even though only a regional event it went against AGW.

Your story does NOTHING to refute human global warming, and instead, only deals with "regional waters" closesly associated with the two authors of the study..



nowhere special
Your story does NOTHING to refute human global warming, and instead, only deals with "regional waters" closesly associated with the two authors of the study..

It does refute those arguments from global warmers who tried to blame a natural temperature variation on man made causes.


Well-Known Member
Typical of troll and the other global warming cultists. The globe is getting warmer except for over here and over there. Temperatures are warmer than in the past as long as you exclude the past.


Strength through joy
Say TOS , haven't you been keeping up with the NEWS ?
French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said "I don't use the term climate change - I think the more accurate term is climate disruption" .
Better get with the new program .


Well-Known Member
It's likely too late...

As a global population, we're just going to have to deal with the consequences, because our leaders have let us down.

China's CO2 output at the moment is dwarfing everything else.

India's on deck.

And how could we deny them the profits/spoils/middle-class-upsurge of joining the prime-polluter-club?

After all, we wrote the book.

Canada is looking good right about now (Anchorage, AK - one of the potential winners in the climate-change lottery...)

More floods, more extreme weather conditions, more drought, more famine.

More extreme heat, more agitation in war zones, more 'resource wars', more etc. etc.

It's okay though, don't worry, the scientists are wrong.