I'm in a 12' gmc box truck that's under 10k... but since I clear over $1k before taxes, it's still over my state's min wage rates
This is what UPS ers calls a retirement route. It's not hard on the body since 60% is windshield time. Plus area knowledge and I run it like clock work so my customers know when I'll be delivering in their neighborhood daily. No management needed unless I have some capacity issues
There are only 2 other routes on my belt line like this & they're driven with older drivers who's already retired from a previous job
Sure, I getting more iCs compared to an Amazon DSP from time to time, but it's still stress free since I know how to use the 2 wheeler hand truck.
I'll see 4/5 UPS drivers in my area. 3 of them live on their route driving p500s. Another is in a p500 & close to retirement.
The young runner/gunner in a 700 loves the area as well since there's hardly any traffic
It's rare to see a p1000 in my area since it's not a high dense area like the American suburbia (with the exception of the gated community)