Yesterday was my first day at work as a package handler. I was doing the unloading, I only do one shift of 4 hours work. I don't understand why all my co workers dislike me.
At first I was told to unload packages from a trailer, with a parnter who was suppose to train me, however all he did was putting the packages on the belt with insane speed. We got all the inrregulars, and packages out of the trailer within 35-40 minutes.
The guy, my parnter told me this is the pace we work at. He said the last guy who started working here was trainned by him as well, and quitted in one hour because he can't handle the job. After I did two trailers of unloading with him, it was break time.
After break time, I was partnered with a shorter guy, who looked a little stronger than me, he also worked at insane speed. he taught me that the proper way to get packages from the top is to pull a package from the bottom so everything comes tumbling down(once the things fell on my nose). The person doing the scanning complainted twice about how I work, he tells me that I'm not working fast enough.
I collapsed 30 minutes before finishing my shift. I asked the supervisor if I'm capable of doing this job at all? the supervisor said "don't quit, you're just not used to it yet, come back on monday". my supervisor is a nice guy. I just don't understand my co workers. Why are they all trying to get rid of me? aren't we all in a union? by keeping up with the pace my co workers handle the packages, I cannot practice the safe method on lifting, my back hurts
What do you think I should do? stay there and give it a try? or what? I'm working for experience, money is not important to me.