Gonna put more $ in your 401(k)? Do Tell…

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
With inflation you’ll be negative. Better than nothing.
With the dollar up nearly 25% over other world currencies, it's important to recognize how your investments are exposed. The S&P 500 has a large exposure to foreign currencies, thus that sector will feel the drag of a strong dollar more than other sectors. Transversely, a strong dollar provides greater buying power in foreign markets. If you don't like investing abroad, then mid-cap and small-cap stocks have very little exposure to foreign dollars.

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
What else can you do?
If you are only buying index funds, there is very little protection for your investments. If your a little more proactive, there are multiple strategies to protect or even capitalize during down markets. Buy and hold investors are forced to ride out the storms. With the strong dollar, wages, employment, economic and export numbers, the Fed still has to raise rates for the foreseeable future. The market jumped nearly 500 points during the Fed's readout, then dropped 1000 points during the Q&A portion.


Gone Fish'n
Ibonds might work for people nearing retirement, but you could do much better just investing in $VOO or $VTI with a 5-10year timeframe.


Gone Fish'n
If you are only buying index funds, there is very little protection for your investments. If your a little more proactive, there are multiple strategies to protect or even capitalize during down markets. Buy and hold investors are forced to ride out the storms. With the strong dollar, wages, employment, economic and export numbers, the Fed still has to raise rates for the foreseeable future. The market jumped nearly 500 points during the Fed's readout, then dropped 1000 points during the Q&A portion.


Well-Known Member
If you have 5 years or more jump in the market I would buy benchmarks VOO,DIA ,VTI really VTI is the really the best of the bunch .If you need your money 5 years or less don't buy stocks except for a few buy the low risk funds mix of treasuries, ,high grade Bond funds , yes I- Bonds too keep the fees low !!