We do care. Conversely, you are asking me to disrupt the lives of my other brothers that I work next to everyday. This healthcare issue should be a supplemental one. Your asking people to preserve your better benefits when they see you moving to a plan that is still better than theirs. You do realize that their are other locals that have horrible benefit plans. You won't get much sympathy from them.
This is precisely why we need to stick together. The company is dividing and conquering us slowly but surely, and the Union is allowing it, knowingly or unknowingly.
The Mongols used this same tactic when crushing its enemies over and over again. And it didn't matter how many times they got away with it (think of the concessions we've seen on each contract). Someone always fell for it because they were promised something they wanted, or they were promised to merely keep what they already had. Sound familiar?
In the end, they crushed everyone they ever negotiated with.
We should ALL care A LOT about what our brothers aren't getting on the other side of the fence. As much, if not MORE than what we're being offered. Because if it's happening to your brothers on one side of the country, I can guarantee you will have to endure their burdens in the future.
My opinion since actually seeing the tentative agreement for myself hasn't changed. We haven't seen their best offer yet. Why would we settle on the first?
I understand your concern. If you are under the CS, your even getting a bump in pension. I'm voting yes because I feel this contract gives something to everyone. We can't reach the pinnacle in every article because that would be too far fetched. One guy posted we should have gotten 1.50 a year raise. But what he didn't do is calculate how much that would cost. That raise would deplete UPS profits and collapse it's stock. We have seen this effect other companies.
What you've failed to mention is that while everyone is getting something out of it, everyone is also losing something, and it's happening across the board. And they're so substantial that we may never EVER get them back. This proposed contract is RIDDLED with concessions. Our company thrived during a recession that crippled the automotive industry, along with other vital sectors. And UPS is still headed for an unbroken DECADE of profits.
I agree that we shouldn't price ourselves out of jobs or future growth. But we shouldn't be losing ANYTHING when the company is profiting year after year, and rewarding its CEO, CFO and COO for production we were and are still directly tied to.
We ALL have to think about the bigger picture here. Not just the next 5 years.