GOV Scott Walkers Final Blow to his citizens before getting thrown out!


Nine Lives
What is a skank?
And by using the word "skank" in a post, correct me if I am wrong, isn't that just as bad and an a attack on women?

I did not even have to look ... I knew it had to be TOS.

He is always attacking women. He seems to have the same respect for women as he does Republicans.


golden ticket member
With a bit of strength in the polls for Walker, I notice the Democrats now downplaying the importance of this recall election.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
With a bit of strength in the polls for Walker, I notice the Democrats now downplaying the importance of this recall election.

Democrats are downplaying this?? WHERE? ON fox spews?

There is a full campaign against walker going on. In the last three weeks, there will be a barrage of ads against walker. WALKER is barely at 50% in the polls and within the margins of error. There is no room for comfort as the last three weeks will bring a wrath of negative ads and that will bring down walker.

Lets see how it plays out.




golden ticket member
Gee, the messiah was going to be in that neck of the woods, why didn't he lend a hand?? (Kiss of death for the Dem.candidate)

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
At 3pm pacific time, FOX news exit polling shows Scott Walker LOSING THE ELECTION! Time will tell. Lots of time left.

Overwhelmingly in FOX EXIT POLLS, Walker is getting a beatdown.

Lets see if it holds true at the end of the day.

I hope the people of wisconsin make the right choice and throw that bum out!




golden ticket member
Obama has shied away from Wisconsin because he doesn't want the 'loser cooties' on him. Walker is getting a beatdown.
NOT !!



Nine Lives
Walker 60%
Barrett - 40%
with 25% reporting in.

Wisconsin, in today's election, is a perfect example of why you cannot trust exit polling.

The voters are too intimidated by Union people to speak the truth in public.


Well-Known Member
Now that the taxpayers of Wisconsin have blown a few million bucks on this 'election do-over' maybe some common sense will take over next time, save the recall garbage for politicians who truly do wrong, not just make unpopular political moves .


Well-Known Member
At 3pm pacific time, FOX news exit polling shows Scott Walker LOSING THE ELECTION! Time will tell. Lots of time left.

Overwhelmingly in FOX EXIT POLLS, Walker is getting a beatdown.

Lets see if it holds true at the end of the day.

I hope the people of wisconsin make the right choice and throw that bum out!



So much for the polls.

Walker emerges victorious in Wisconsin recall.

Walker emerges victorious in Wisconsin recall - NBC Politics