GOV Scott Walkers Final Blow to his citizens before getting thrown out!


Staff member
I am a taxpayer first and if given the chance would have voted for Walker.

Even with South Carolina governor Nikki Haley stumping for Walker bragging about being a "union buster"? Seriously, they have no intention at stopping with public sector unions.


Strength through joy
So you seem to think that the gov't is intentionally anti-union ?
Acknowledging that would remove one of their largest cash cows .


Staff member
knowing that the polls show him likely to be tossed out of office,.............

Walker and the republicans in wisconsin are determined to hurt the population before walker gets his walking papers when he is recalled from office.


look out below, another gop career coming down!!

all eyes in wisconsin believe that walker will get tossed out now that these bills have been signed and the polls to watch will be the ones next monday when the impact of the signings of these bills will reasonate with the voters of wisconsin.

Dont hold your breath on walker keeping his job.


there is no room for comfort as the last three weeks will bring a wrath of negative ads and that will bring down walker.

at 3pm pacific time, fox news exit polling shows scott walker losing the election! Time will tell. Lots of time left.

Overwhelmingly in fox exit polls, walker is getting a beatdown.



golden ticket member
So, what happens now ?? Do all the Democrats flee to Iowa or Illinois ?? This is a history-making win for Walker, so protocol is lackng for the event.


golden ticket member
Hopefully, TOS has learned a lesson about composing lengthy, slanted titles for forums. If he'd just titled this forum "Scott Walker" or "Governor Recall" he wouldn't look so silly now.


Nine Lives
Hopefully, TOS has learned a lesson about composing lengthy, slanted titles for forums. If he'd just titled this forum "Scott Walker" or "Governor Recall" he wouldn't look so silly now.

Somehow I think he would ... not that there is anything wrong with that.


Well-Known Member
I am a taxpayer first and if given the chance would have voted for Walker.


You sound like an intelligent man and not a zombie Kool aid drinker. As President Obama always shouts --They have to pay their fair share --should apply to public sector employees since we pay them. They should have to contribute to welfare and pension at least the same level as the private union people and workers do.

Also the corrupt system of Public service unions using union dues to buy Democrat politicians and then soak the public should be outlawed.

Fair hard negotiations like the Teamsters and UPS not many people have a problem with. The teamsters are out for the people --the company the shareowners.
In the public sector -the union buys the politician and no-one is worried about the taxpayer --this is not rocket science --just fairness that the left is always screaming about.

I would bet many union members and Democrats voted for Walker --Time for the left to wake up to reality.


Well-Known Member
TOS, no thoughts to impart to us dummies about this event? Nothing to say about the mentality of Wisconsin voters?
C'mon we all know that tos is too busy in his own back yard!-- Unions lament local pension votes, turn focus to Sacramento - ------------------------ Voters in San Diego and San Jose overwhelmingly voted to pare back retirement benefits for city employees, setting the stage for a showdown over public pensions in Sacramento later this year.-------------------- A coalition of labor groups which has balked at some of the changes to retirement packages proposed by Gov. Jerry Brown, decried the vote results in a statement Tuesday.----------
I am a taxpayer first and if given the chance would have voted for Walker.
Ah yes, the day is coming when union bosses will no longer be able to bully the taxpayers!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Indeed, a defeat for wisconsin democrats. An ugly loss for the money spent on both sides. What I find more amazing is the gop faithfuls support of taking away from the middle class and giving to the top 1% in tax cuts.

Without even considering that they are slashing the throats of the middle class, they boldly support the taking away of benefits.

I say, give them what they want. If they want to pay police, fire , teachers and nurses less, than do so. See what happens. See if a policeman will risk his life for you for half the pay, see if a firefighter will risk his life to run into your burning house and risk his life for half the retirement benefits, see if a nurse will speed up her assistance for half the pay and no benefits when you walk in bleeding to death.

CUT CUT CUT, and see what happens.




Well-Known Member
Then how in the world can you possibly vote for Obama as you say you are going to ?????????


There are many people who lean left that seem to have many "contradictions"

For Example Rachel Maddow on MSNBC last night spent most of her show praising Obama for Killing terroists using drones. If the President was still Bush --She would call him a war Criminal . There are many other examples I could state. For me --I am very consistent --President Bush or President Obama --Drone those terroists. I just see Kool aid people as phonies --no principals just follow the Liberal even if you disagree.


golden ticket member
The AFL-CIO’s fleet of Jesse Jackson minivans unavailable for comment.
Via WaPo:
The AFL-CIO was heavily involved in the recall campaign against Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R). But on the day after Walker soundly defeated Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett (D), the union’s president downplayed the results and distanced the national organization from the recall effort.

“We didn’t decide on this recall,” Richard Trumka told reporters on a conference call this afternoon. “It was the workers in Wisconsin and the voters in Wisconsin who did.”

Trumka also repeatedly argued that the recall results had little larger siginficance for the labor movement, calling it an “an off-year special election.”

“Recalls are pretty unique and they’re pretty tough to win,” he said. “This isn’t the crystal ball that predicts the future. This is a very unique circumstance.”

He said he wished the recall election had focused on unions, but that in the end, it was more general: “This particular election wasn’t about collective bargaining in the past month. I wish it had been, but it wasn’t. It was about everything.”


Nine Lives
I just see Kool aid people as phonies --no principals just follow the Liberal even if you disagree.

Or follow the Republican/Conservative even if you disagree. Maddow is no worse than Hannity.

I believe Dave is a thoughtful person that will evaluate each issue on it's merits and will make his own mind up.
He does keep you guessing ... reminds me of the old adage, "I must be doing something right because both sides hate me."
And I was surprised that he said he intends to vote for Obama. Beats the hell out of me.


Well-Known Member
Nothing worse than self hating union members. Hope all the upsers that voted for walker end up at FedEx ground. Enjoy those Benifits!