Government run "anything"......


Well-Known Member
i remember affordable childcare being a problem for my dad when we were growing up. the govt insuffciently provides it otherwise its left to free market which is expensive.

govt promised to provide it but no one protested so its been forgotten about.


Well-Known Member
right wingers couldve protested against rush hour.

its totally preventable with a luxurious efficient free public transit system, or even just expanding out current roads

we have whole radio stations and news segments dedicated to traffic because we dont do 1 of the above


Staff member
luxurious efficient free public transit system
Free means bums will use it until no one else wants to be on it.
Luxurious means expensive.

I live near a very liberal city.
We have a discount public transit system that no one but hobos and crazy cat ladies will use.

It doesn't work, Ricky.


Well-Known Member
Free means bums will use it until no one else wants to be on it.
Luxurious means expensive.

I live near a very liberal city.
We have a discount public transit system that no one but hobos and crazy cat ladies will use.

It doesn't work, Ricky.
we can afford luxurious free transit.

thats a good point about the bums. the nordic countries eliminated poverty, we can do the same too. america has more wealth than them.


Well-Known Member
The most popular government ran programs are the largest. Social security is hugely popular, Medicare is hugely popular, and the military is hugely popular.
theres also a pretty big divergence between what ppl want the govt to do and what hte govt does. ppl want healthcare for all by 70% but govt wont do it unless we protest and make them.


Staff member
we can afford luxurious free transit.

thats a good point about the bums. the nordic countries eliminated poverty, we can do the same too. america has more wealth than them.
There is a difference in being able to afford something, and having that purchase be wise.

I find it amusing that everyone always points to the the Nordic countries as models of socialism, and how we should model ourselves after them.

If they are truly what you are looking to become, why not just move there?


Well-Known Member
There is a difference in being able to afford something, and having that purchase be wise.

I find it amusing that everyone always points to the the Nordic countries as models of socialism, and how we should model ourselves after them.

If they are truly what you are looking to become, why not just move there?
restrictive immigration. if we were part of the schergen zone then i would.


Well-Known Member
1 of hte top universities in america did a study which said bottom 70% of population has no influence over politics in america.

Richard D. Wolff


May 5

Proof US gov't run by employers (a minority), not employees (a majority). For years over 80% of US favored paid maternity leave (even most GOPers). Yet US gov'ts (both parties) failed to do what most other rich countries did for decades.

82% of Americans want paid maternity leave—making it as popular as chocolate
The United States is the only wealthy nation that doesn't guarantee paid leave to mothers after they give birth or adopt a child. The vast majority of Americans would like to see that change.


Well-Known Member
the govt in BC decided to re-hire all the public hospital cleaners and food workers i think....

covid 19 was the straw that broke privatization's back. my dad didnt like the cleaning at the hospital.

what wasnt mentioned on the mainstream media is the workers will probably make more money and actually get a pension vs the private sector workers they replaced.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
After enduring 3 oil price collapses in the past 11 years oil companies have made it completely clear to anybody who bothers to pay attention that it's not going to happen again. The Biden administration has appealed to the oil drillers to up production but the industry and the oil traders are waiting for demand destruction to be their guide.


Well-Known Member
After enduring 3 oil price collapses in the past 11 years oil companies have made it completely clear to anybody who bothers to pay attention that it's not going to happen again. The Biden administration has appealed to the oil drillers to up production but the industry and the oil traders are waiting for demand destruction to be their guide.
doesnt oil fix prices?


Strength through joy
State of NY buys wind turbines , they fail, so the State of NY sues everyone else involved with the project to save face.
Judge rules against them because the State of NY was warned and yet failed to do required studies needed.


Well-Known Member
if you wonder why people are on welfare look how hard they make it to apply for jobs

it should be as simple as submitting your resume and letting them reading it but you have to go through all these steps for each site

this is the free market and it sucks
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