There are a lot of people in cults here in the US. They are like pagan religions too. You have the climate change cult. Somehow the MSM and government has managed to convince about 50% of our country that the climate is not like it was when we were kids. Anyone with half a brain can see it is still the same. It's also the same as when your dad was a kid and when his dad was a kid. Yet, these conspiracy theorists have convinced most people that it's not the same. And now that cult uses all encompassing terms like "climate change" so they're never wrong. If it's too sunny, it's climate change. If it's too cloudy, it's climate change. If it's raining, it's climate change, etc., etc.
Then there is the "diversity and inclusion" cult. That has replaced merit as the new standard to hire people. We no longer hire someone because they are the most qualified, now we must hire all in the name of diversity and inclusion.
And finally there is the LGBTQ+ cult. You must submit to this cult by wearing pride shirts to professional hockey games, even if you're not gay. It keeps sliding more and more degenerate too. First if was tolerate gays, then it was accept gays. After that was accomplished it was embrace gays. Finally let gays marry. Now that we're past that point, it became tolerate transsexuals. Then it was accept, then embrace. Now we are propagandized that there are no longer 2 genders and men can get pregnant. And it's now evolved to men dressing up like women and doing strip shows in front of toddlers. If you took your toddler to watch a real woman strip in front of them, you'd get arrested for child abuse, but since it's LGBTQ, it's to be celebrated and worshiped. Their "church" is the local bar, library, or kindergarten class, and their patron saints are men dressed up like women. Truly degenerate.
How far will these pseudo religious cults keep forcing their will upon you? As far as you will let them.