Half Empty? NFL


Inordinately Right
exploitation of those Third World slaves.


Well-Known Member
So you condone the endorsement by Colon of the exploitation of those Third World slaves.

You appear confused and conflicted.
i dont know where he stands on capitalism but its possible hes connected it to racism and police brutality. hes def 1 of my fav athletes.

if more americans made a sacrifice like he has, the country would turn around very fast. instead the only ones making what i consider to b a religious sacrifice are the soldiers who get tricked into fighting the govts unwinnable and immoral wars of aggression.

u know im in favor of worker self determination and workers owning their labour and not renting themselves as employees. u cant trust capitalists to treat workers decently just like we cant trust slave masters.
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Well-Known Member
this guy says sweatshops are evil in religious terms

he flies to indonesia to work at a nike sweatshop. the house is 9x9 ft. the streets are open sewers. rats and bugs inside. bathrooms are shared with 5-10 families.

he said everyday they can only save enough for dish detergent, coke, and 1 snack after work after covering basic expenses. so they basically dont save. if u get sick u choose between aspirin or food. he buys a razor and shaving cream and cant eat for 3 days.

they work 15 hr days 7 days a week to get by. if the workers speak out, death is one of the consequences.

note that in a free market workers would b able to easily leave their country for a more developed one, but we have a system where capital is only free
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Well-Known Member
i dont know where he stands on capitalism but its possible hes connected it to racism and police brutality. hes def 1 of my fav athletes.

if more americans made a sacrifice like he has, the country would turn around very fast. instead the only ones making what i consider to b a religious sacrifice are the soldiers who get tricked into fighting the govts unwinnable and immoral wars of aggression.

u know im in favor of worker self determination and workers owning their labour and not renting themselves as employees. u cant trust capitalists to treat workers decently just like we cant trust slave masters.
The clown is not an athlete, he's unemployed.