Half Empty? NFL

El Correcto

god is dead
That's where you and I differ. I never seek to conform.


Well-Known Member
During the 90’s with the rise of obesity liberals and fat feminist started crying about their and their children’s lack of self control when it came to drinking carbonated sugar water, soda sales dropped off a bit. PepsiCo bought Quaker Oates so they could start producing Gatorade and diversifying their product line with healthier things.

It’s really not that bad, but he should dump all PepsiCo products if he really feels this way.

Their commercial was pretty retarded as well.

Fail flat to coke’s previous unite the world.

When I do drink a soda, it’s a coke or I’m just getting some sweet tea.

if Brittany drinks it then surely it must be good for me, or at least she would be?



Well-Known Member
he does seem to have free reign.
I can get along with @MAKAVELI, we're both grown men we just disagree. I honestly don't think he ever ratted me out. My first post on this site he gave me a good "what for," a dressing down. I'm a big boy, I can take care of myself, he is the same. @BrownArmy (brown armyman) is a different story. I think limp wristed when I see one of his posts. See ya later, I'll probably be back in the mods for my last statement.