Half Empty? NFL


Well-Known Member
hoop skirt.jpg

Once again relying on fake things. You clowns never cease to amaze me.

response to army man's post. we are on mutual block, I didn't ask for it. Look under one of the skirts, you'll find @BrownArmy[nd it ain't gonna be cause he likes females, he's hiding.


Well-Known Member

libs were once again afraid to attack jim brown. so they made him a secret rebel mocking trump. Jim Brown told the president he was here to serve. Jim has been a frequent visitor and consistent supporter of trump. but it kills the narrative to have another well known very popular black supporter there.

you libs love to hide from reality


Well-Known Member
This and a very large number of hot button/strike quality issues will put on the bargaining table following the end of the 2020 NFL season. And the player reps of every team is strongly urging their team mates to economically prepare for a strike interrupted season in 2021


Staff member
Fact is, if the clowns kneel en masse, the NFL will pay once again.

Let the rich bastards do what they want, I love seeing someone friend themselves.

It's not like we thought they were great patriots in the first place.
So you think the NFL is financially hurt by this? Lol. Really?

Do you realize just how huge their revenue stream is?