Half Empty? NFL


Retired 23 years
I really don't care about any of it.
Nothing I can do about it.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.

I think the last line goes something like:
And not choke the friend out of those who disagree with me.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
More Player folding than a laundromat on a Saturday morning. Lol


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Interesting, the article seems to paint the owners in a bad light. They (the owners) seem to be only concerned about the President and not the millions of fans who see the same thing he does.


Man of Great Wisdom
Interesting, the article seems to paint the owners in a bad light. They (the owners) seem to be only concerned about the President and not the millions of fans who see the same thing he does.
Were those millions of fans outraged before Donny opened his trap or are they just his base blindly following along?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
You do realize that the NFL does not charge fans to watch the draft, don’t you?

I watched bits and pieces of it but grew tired of the former players announcing the picks.
It’s a sign of fan interest and engagement. It’s April and people are focused on the NFL. The demise of the sport has been greatly exaggerated. It’ll go down for the head injuries not a few players being political.


nowhere special
Combined TV viewership of several stations tends to pad the numbers. And it was compared to last year when the numbers were way down. Don't read too much into it.


Well-Known Member
It’s a sign of fan interest and engagement. It’s April and people are focused on the NFL. The demise of the sport has been greatly exaggerated. It’ll go down for the head injuries not a few players being political.
No, actually it is not, please note the amount of platforms the draft was available on and the extent of social media today. To just note one draft year, 1979, if the same availabilty was possible, the numbers would have blown these away. I however do note you look forward to the demise of the NFL, but hope cte is the nail in the coffin.