Half Empty? NFL


Staff member
The point of this obviously is to say we're all racists who support the white guy's protest, but not the black's. And it's a lie, Tebow prayed before games, which drove a lot of atheists nuts. Funny how y'all claim we're so influenced by FOX News, by Russians on Facebook, then jump on something like this as if it's absolute truth.
Eh, actually nobody really cared much about it one way or the other. I'm an atheist and I like Tebow, I thought he was a scrappy player as well as being a pretty decent guy and I was hoping he would get another shot at a starting job.


Well-Known Member


Got the T-Shirt


Got the T-Shirt

Only millennials, or people whose only ability is the use of acronyms as a form of

communication.... are hopelessly lost.

It’s not a protest about the anthem or the flag.

Maybe so.

Unfortunately, the protesters' weren't smart enough to use their intelligence (?) to form a

cohesive argument and do it outside of their employment.

Alex.... I'll take "Who will never play in the NFL again for $100.00"

Report: Some “star” players consider sitting out until Kaepernick, Reid have jobs

Nice thought. Locker room rumblings.

Miss a paycheck ? :biggrin:


Well-Known Member
It’s not a protest about the anthem or the flag, ttku.

then they should not disrespect the flag , country and dead veterans when they protest. the flag ceremony they disrespect is clearly performed to honor those three. Its a specific ceremony designed to honor those three.

the act of kneeling is specifically done to counter standing for that flag.

they can still protest in the streets all they want .


Well-Known Member
I attended a service at a local cemetery to honor the fallen on Memorial Day.

It was complete with guest speakers, dignitaries, the posting of the colors, the lowering of the flag to half staff, a rifle volley and...wait for it... the National Anthem.

Guess what?...I didn't see one person kneeling.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I attended a service at a local cemetery to honor the fallen on Memorial Day.

It was complete with guest speakers, dignitaries, the posting of the colors, the lowering of the flag to half staff, a rifle volley and...wait for it... the National Anthem.

Guess what?...I didn't see one person kneeling.
Why would you? The protest is to raise awareness with the largest audience players have access to. Protesting at a private function wouldn’t do that. Are you intentionally not understanding the purpose of protest or just want to show off how holier than thou you are for attending a service?


Staff member
Nowhere in your post did I see the words "honor" and/or "patriotism".

But that's OK.
I think we would show the fallen more honor and show more patriotism if we would treat each other with more respect. I mean their remains are there and lives sacrificed for all of us.

But that’s ok.