Half Empty? NFL


Well-Known Member
I don’t buy that. Just baby boomers being babies and “waaaaaaaaing” loud enough so someone will pay them on the head and “thank them for their service” or point them in a direction to be outraged at.

Seriously. If there is one group that this president promised to take care of and has continuously crapped on, it’s veterans. But he’s got an (R) for party affiliation so I guess there’s that.
He's doing a whole lot more for vets then Obama not that you care .


Staff member
Don't lie to me. Youve spent your whole life overlooking what the DNC has done to black America. Just keep shucking and jiving to keep pelosi happy.
I was raised by white parents so I don’t know anything about “shucking and jiving”. Interesting that you would think I do.

I am black enough so that cops will treat me as black.


Well-Known Member
And if there are those who in someway boycott the anthem to bring attention to social wrongs, it shouldn’t bother you because your attention is elsewhere.

And you have a right to tell me how I should feel about millionaires disrespecting the flag our country and the hero's who died for both.


Well-Known Member
52,000 plus Americans died in Vietnam. Why did we get involved? Was North Vietnam a threat to us?
A war we shouldn't have been involved in.
Rich people start wars like this and the poor fight and die in them.
One good thing about this discussion is were finding out how much you libs hate your country.