hall should be ashamed!


Active Member
The Indy contract is a joke!I ask the brotherhood why should i pay dues for a contract that offers no gain for the employee?The purpose of being part of a union is for better wages better benefits better job protection better working conditions.None of this was achieved in the Indy contract.hall should resign!He also should be embarrassed and ashamed for undercutting the national master freight agreement.I don't understand how he expects to get more centers to join under this crap agreement?It's a joke,A first grader could have got a better contract.Hoffa better take a real hard look at the people he has working for him.I under stand now why the union is loosing membership.With leaders like this the ship is sure to sink!:sad-very:
If u want out of the union legally > All u have to do is say u had join the apwa and they will throw u out ,with out being bound to give anymore union dues. I know that for a fact they had thrown 6 of us out of the union because of there bylaws... Now i'm going to make sure to be outside the gate everyday telling parttimers and fulltimers if they want out of a bad teamsters union is sign this card and they will have to pay no more dues....I'm going to make it a national get out of the teamsters every day now.


Well-Known Member
If u want out of the union legally > All u have to do is say u had join the apwa and they will throw u out ,with out being bound to give anymore union dues. I know that for a fact they had thrown 6 of us out of the union because of there bylaws... Now i'm going to make sure to be outside the gate everyday telling parttimers and fulltimers if they want out of a bad teamsters union is sign this card and they will have to pay no more dues....I'm going to make it a national get out of the teamsters every day now.

Hoffa is not going like that. What size would you like your concrete shoes?


Tie i do believe in reform and i do not believe creating a new union in doing so. Would you consider creating a new government if you are not happy with this one? Or would you do your best to help better the current government? They are against the teamsters and if they would have been smart and stayed current dues paying members than they would have had a bettter shot.

yea red but you did call them scabs.

As for the rest of your point I think your leadership issues within the union are no different then our political ones. There always someone wanting to get elected and promising to do a better job but few if any ever deliver on the promises.

To me apwa is just another political party trying to take control. You can elect whomever you want and I know the same labor shennanigans will still take place.:happy-very:

You guys have argued endlessly about apwa. Those supporting the teamsters spoke up strongly against apwa. Then quickly went against the teamster leadership when the contract offer came out. Makes for some interesting readings here.


Well-Known Member
The new union argument is a moot point at this juncture because I remember jon frum posting that once the contract is ratified the APWA has to wait 2 years before they can try to organize UPS. Keep holding onto that pipe dream, as that is all it ever will be.


adirondack man
Are you denying that danny and van are scabs? Ifso than it would be name callng, if not and they are doing the same job after withdrawing from the teamsters than they are scabs! I know sometimes the truth hurts and your magical dream of forming a scab ups funded union has fallen short.
The real truth RED is you are so misguided and immature that this is the only way you know how to get your point across.The one thing you have achieved by being a teamster is the way you treat people.It really stands out.I read the Indy contract and it is sad very sad!The only thing that you say on here that makes any kind of sense is that the teamsters need new leadership.But from what I can see the brotherhood has become to weak to even effectively pull this off.The fact is UPS has more money then the current international brotherhood membership there for the members keep having to give back or give up what they won in the past due to UPS is In HOFFAS pocket real deep.Now thats the truth.I know it hurts but thats the facts.If you really mean what you spill out of your teamster following mouth you would have read the ups freight contract yourself and seen what a joke it is.Then since you our for change you the great local mouth piece for Chicago teamsters would have stood up for the new indy teamsters.Now that would be real change a fellow brother standing up for a fellow brother!


The new union argument is a moot point at this juncture because I remember jon frum posting that once the contract is ratified the APWA has to wait 2 years before they can try to organize UPS. Keep holding onto that pipe dream, as that is all it ever will be.


The APWA would actually have to wait about 3 years. Here's a summary of the confusing NLRB rules from their website:

When Can A Petition Be Filed?
The NLRB has established certain rules relating to the filing of petitions affecting employees who are covered by an existing contract. Generally, under these ‘‘contract-bar’’ rules, a valid contract for a fixed period of 3 years or less will bar an election for the period covered by the contract. However, in such situations, a petition filed more than 60 days but not more than 90 days before the end of the contract will be accepted and may bring about an election.

In addition, the NLRB will not hold a representation election in any collective-bargaining unit in which a valid election has been held during the preceding 12 months. This rule does not apply, however, to a withdrawal of union-security (UD) election conducted within 12 months of a representation election (RC, RM, RD), or to a representation election conducted within 12 months of a withdrawal of union security election.

If an election is held and a union is certified by the NLRB, that certification is normally binding for 1 year and a petition for another election in the same unit will be dismissed if filed during the 1-year period after the NLRB’s certification.



APWA Hater
Sounds like the NLRB is a little biased towards unions.

I hope you are kidding if you are speaking of recent times.

If not, and if anyone else believes this nonsense look at what G W Bush has done since he has become president to eat away at organized labor like a cancer:




And why is the NLRB being biased towards Unions a bad thing? It SHOULD be that way.


I hope you are kidding if you are speaking of recent times.

If not, and if anyone else believes this nonsense look at what G W Bush has done since he has become president to eat away at organized labor like a cancer:




And why is the NLRB being biased towards Unions a bad thing? It SHOULD be that way.

I don't see it. Temporary workers and supervisors have never been allowed to organize before. Yet you're now blaming republican members who were recently appointed to this board? Why weren't these people organized ten, twenty or thirty years ago?


Well-Known Member
You can be pro-Teamster and anti-Teamster leadership. It is possible.

Is the view good from the cheap seats???? Because I would bet my last dollar your name was never on a ballot to be a leader. At least they have the courage to take on the task. What's your excuse???

Lizzard Toungue

Active Member
The Indy contract is a joke!I ask the brotherhood why should i pay dues for a contract that offers no gain for the employee?The purpose of being part of a union is for better wages better benefits better job protection better working conditions.None of this was achieved in the Indy contract.hall should resign!He also should be embarrassed and ashamed for undercutting the national master freight agreement.I don't understand how he expects to get more centers to join under this crap agreement?It's a joke,A first grader could have got a better contract.Hoffa better take a real hard look at the people he has working for him.I under stand now why the union is loosing membership.With leaders like this the ship is sure to sink!:sad-very:

It is a pathetic joke. Hoffa and hall get UPSers 2.5 % per year over the life of the contract. Freight is looking at 1.9%,meanwhile we are looking at the biggest jump in food prices in 17 years not to mention the cost of gas, heating oil ect. George Bush, (not exactly a union guy) gives Federal employees 3.5%.You call this a UNION? THIS IS ANOTHER HOFFA HALL TEAMSTER SELLOUT. A maroon could have done better. ARE YOU HOFFA ? HALL SUPPORTERS HAPPY ? If so , beam me up Scottie because there is no intelligent life down here.:sad-very:



It is a pathetic joke. Hoffa and hall get UPSers 2.5 % per year over the life of the contract. Freight is looking at 1.9%,meanwhile we are looking at the biggest jump in food prices in 17 years not to mention the cost of gas, heating oil ect. George Bush, (not exactly a union guy) gives Federal employees 3.5%.You call this a UNION? THIS IS ANOTHER HOFFA HALL TEAMSTER SELLOUT. A maroon could have done better. ARE YOU HOFFA ? HALL SUPPORTERS HAPPY ? If so , beam me up Scottie because there is no intelligent life down here.:sad-very:

Your absolutely 100% correct if you selectively review the parts of the contract that you do not like and ignore the 6.1 billion being spent.

since you're obviously much smarter then the morons making these bad deals can we rely on you to step up to the plate and show them how its done?

Lizzard Toungue

Active Member
Your absolutely 100% correct if you selectively review the parts of the contract that you do not like and ignore the 6.1 billion being spent.

since you're obviously much smarter then the morons making these bad deals can we rely on you to step up to the plate and show them how its done?
HOW can you count the 6.1 million. going into the pension as wages that benefit us now? The teamsters were the ones that controlled this money and they did whatever they wanted with it except give it to the workers who EARNED IT.Now that the pension plans are underfunded we are going to get substandard wage increases because more money has to go into the pension plan JUST TO MAINTAIN BENEFITS.Its sad that so many people support this regime when Hoffa does not give a dam about anybody. Maybe I am wrong and 2,5% raises are wonderfully negotiated 10 months before our contract expires far as me stepping up to the plate I am all for term limits for every Teamster position. If there were term limits then everybody who negotiated a contract would have the greatest pleasure of coming back to work under it.:angry:


APWA Hater
I would think someone that accuses our Union leadership of being morons would at least be able to spell tongue and tell the difference between 6.1 million and BILLION.

and tie guy, I usually disagree with you being the outhouse lawyer I am but DAMN good post.

Hoffa isn't the union...Hall isn't the union, WE are the union. WE VOTED it in. I can't tell you how many feeder drivers and 25+ year package drivers were running around my hub telling everyone how GREAT this contract is. I can't say I blame them, they wanted to retire.

The part timers, as usual, being apathetic hung ourselves and anyone else with like 10+ years left to go.

I really wish the doomsday cry babies would shut the hell up and move on. We have to DEAL with it now.