VOTE NO T-shirts!

Liberty Bear

New but not Naive
Tell that to the dead chinese female babies that were slaughtered simply for being females.

I'll make you a deal: I'll go tell those dead Chinese female babies if you go tell all the dead Iraqi children that have been killed by U.S. weapons or sanctions how wonderful capitalism is.


Well-Known Member
Undeliverable goals? The last I heard he was making foreign corporations pay a fairer share price for Venezuela's oil. He's also imported Cuban doctors.

And, yes, Venezuela was indeed controlled by a relative handful of super wealthy individuals. I believe that's one of the things Chavez is trying to change.

You believe? Talked to him lately have you?


Well-Known Member
I'll make you a deal: I'll go tell those dead Chinese female babies if you go tell all the dead Iraqi children that have been killed by U.S. weapons or sanctions how wonderful capitalism is.

I'm curious to know if you could list past societies with successful socialist regimes. You obviously have a bias against capitalism, although I think it's misguided - capitalism, like many other models- works great on paper but the human element or human nature will corrupt it... doesn't matter if it's Democracy, Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, any religion, etc.


Well-Known Member
What about a Vote No Yard sign, i see signs all over my town. just grab one paint it white and spray paint vote no on it in stick it in the ground off the road close to your hub or center.


Well-Known Member
If I understand correctly, you're saying the police attacked protesters who were guilty of vandalizing property. If so, you're absolutely wrong. In fact, the police IGNORED the tiny handful of protesters who engaged in vandalism. In fact, I was on the scene shortly after the vandalism occurred. I remember seeing the broken glass, and I recall people expressing surprise that the police did nothing to intervene.

Then the police suddenly went berserk and began attacking everything in sight. They assaulted holiday shoppers and reporters. There was a famous incident where they asked a woman driving a car to roll down her window, then maced her. They invaded Capitol Hill, which had nothing to do with the WTO protest.

There were an estimated 50,000 people on the streets during the WTO protest. I doubt that more than a few dozen - well under 1% - were vandals. Some people have speculated that the "anarchists" who
committed most of the vandalism were actually operatives PRETENDING to be anarchists in an attempt to give the protesters a bad name. That would explain why the police just stood by and watched while they did their dirty work.

You fail to mention that many of the wto protests were illegal...No permits were aquired for most of them...As far as casualties of innocent people (what were they doing there in the first place?) I was there during one of the tear gassing incidents, and I feel the police were just in moving the crowd out after several warnings.

They did not "invade Capitol Hill" they moved the protesters out of the down town area into Capitol Hill. Police did not "ignore the vandalism" they were standing back because they were out numbered.

In my opinion, any protest that effects the general public gets no respect from me.


Well-Known Member
First, the text you quoted was lifted from one of my POLITICAL websites. I've posted on many political forums (e.g. Democratic Underground and Free Republic), some of which are quite sinister. They play a wide variety of games, and I've learned to play the same games. Just because I encourage people to take advantage of forums doesn't mean I'm engaged in some sinister plot to somehow undermine every forum on the Internet.

So you're a game player who encourages people to take advantage of internet forums. Now we're getting somewhere.


Well-Known Member
I'm curious to know if you could list past societies with successful socialist regimes. You obviously have a bias against capitalism, although I think it's misguided - capitalism, like many other models- works great on paper but the human element or human nature will corrupt it... doesn't matter if it's Democracy, Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, any religion, etc.

Some past successful socialist regimes: as noted earlier, Native for democratic socialist countries: iran in the early 1950s under mossadegh govt (then the CIA organized a coup...there went that)...then there was Guatamala in the early 1950s (once again CIA coup to the "rescue"??....see a pattern here?...the Congo in the early 1960s undre Lamumba (again CIA....) ... Indonesia in the mid 1960s (ditto)....and of course, the democratic socialist govt of Allende in Chile in the late 1960s early 1970s..( overthrown by cIA coup on SEPTEMBER 11 1973).............all above mentioned govts were democratically elcted socialists ... and were successful ...but was feared by american oligarchs who wanted authoriatarian thugs to run these countries for them etc

But i too think that a more mixed ecomony would be best and more humane...pure capitalism is eat darwinism,etc


Senior Member
Damok...bush jr + republiecan party= Democracy....where HAVE you been!

Scratch...Chavez was re elected several times...yes, legitimately, even theough the corp elite that own the private media , etc overthrew his legit govt by coup in april 2002 WITH THE SUPPORT IF NOT ACTUAL ASSISTANCE OF THE BUSH REGIME...but 1 million people in the streets of caracas demanded his return to tha'st democracy in action....what we have in this country is a plutocracy...govt by , for , and of the powerful elites
Excuse me,
Please go to Venezula and experience it for yourself. You might get a different take on what a democracy is all about.
I have personal family experience about what happens in Venezula and your post is offense and simplistic.


Agent of Change
I have personal family experience about what happens in Venezula and your post is offense and simplistic.

Its really sad what's happened in Venezuela. I hope your family experiences don't include physical injury. I don't mean this offensively to you, Satellite, but what do you expect from Agitator? Unfortunately, the world isn't as simple as he'd like to think. He's always offensive, by the way....I think Agitator has posted responses to mine about 'the glorious' Carey. -Rocky


Well-Known Member
Some past successful socialist regimes: as noted earlier, Native for democratic socialist countries: iran in the early 1950s under mossadegh govt (then the CIA organized a coup...there went that)...then there was Guatamala in the early 1950s (once again CIA coup to the "rescue"??....see a pattern here?...the Congo in the early 1960s undre Lamumba (again CIA....) ... Indonesia in the mid 1960s (ditto)....and of course, the democratic socialist govt of Allende in Chile in the late 1960s early 1970s..( overthrown by cIA coup on SEPTEMBER 11 1973).............all above mentioned govts were democratically elcted socialists ... and were successful ...but was feared by american oligarchs who wanted authoriatarian thugs to run these countries for them etc

But i too think that a more mixed ecomony would be best and more humane...pure capitalism is eat darwinism,etc

Well I was certainly interested in your response, even more so when I double checked these little snippets of misinformation. Normally I would just take the word of such a fine upstanding forum troll such as yourself but I'm a cynic at heart. :) By the way... what is your definition of successful?