Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
This is his point.And your point is?
This is his point.And your point is?
BingoYou specifically pointed to Mexicans and Native Americans as being there before his white invader family. Mexican mestizos didn't exist before the Spanish, and as the Spaniards moved into California they most likely brought Mexican mestizos with them. But the mestizos there first? Nope. So when running down whites every chance you get it would serve you well to understand the history behind it.
I mean, it’s not even fair to argue with him. He lacks even basic historical knowledge.You specifically pointed to Mexicans and Native Americans as being there before his white invader family. Mexican mestizos didn't exist before the Spanish, and as the Spaniards moved into California they most likely brought Mexican mestizos with them. But the mestizos there first? Nope. So when running down whites every chance you get it would serve you well to understand the history behind it.
It's all crap if it ain't rap....I mean, it’s not even fair to argue with him. He lacks even basic historical knowledge.
Hispanic? Lol Yeah, Spanish. Hernan Cortez, from Spain, conquered what’s now Mexico in 1590. Nice try snowflake. Open a book. Now STFU.Hispanic settlement of what is now California began in 1769 when the Presidio and Catholic mission of San Diego were established.
Now please shut theup.
And if you were familiar with the hierarchy of the times you'd know that the white Spanish were at the top of the pyramid. They're Hispanic too. The priests who established missions? White Spaniards. All power flowed through the white families who controlled the New World. It's not a matter of white supremacy to point this out. It was the way things worked then.Hispanic settlement of what is now California began in 1769 when the Presidio and Catholic mission of San Diego were established.
Now please shut theup.
It’s a battle of wits with the witlessAnd if you were familiar with the hierarchy of the times you'd know that the white Spanish were at the top of the pyramid. They're Hispanic too. The priests who established missions? White Spaniards. All power flowed through the white families who controlled the New World. It's not a matter of white supremacy to point this out. It was the way things worked then.
I bet they resented your ancestors incursion onto their land just as much as you resent the influx of people wealthier than you are into that area now.
He acts like his white invader family was here before Native Americans and Mexicans.![]()
You did us a favor, hombreI won't dispute this because it is basically true. I recognize the irony, and admit my hypocrisy. The origins of my existence in California are the result of a Spaniard displacing a native, and stuffing a native chick. That's how Mexicans started.
In order to address this issue, all people should return to Africa and promise to never wander away and build ships ever again. IIRC, that is where Homo Sapiens began before we wandered, and floated off the continent.
I hear there's a great place called South Africa where we can all return to the continent of our origin!
What makes you and your medical emergency and emergency surgery different from the rest? Are you saying that you are more entitled than the others? If so please explain?We aren't talking about me. We're talking about a system collapsing under its own weight. A problem you refuse to address.
We aren't talking about me. We're talking about a system collapsing under its own weight. A problem you refuse to address.What makes you and your medical emergency and emergency surgery different from the rest? Are you saying that you are more entitled than the others? If so please explain?
God blesses those who tend to the mentally ill…We aren't talking about me. We're talking about a system collapsing under its own weight. A problem you refuse to address.
Let's try this another way. Every person at sometime in their life will need skilled nursing care. Now when you go to a skilled nursing facility after the 21 days of full Medicare and 90 partially paid care it becomes full self pay until that person is down to just $2500 in personal assets before they can get Medicaid. That means you give them your house, your car, your bank account , your savings your pension and that goes to pay your care until all you've got left is $2500.We aren't talking about me. We're talking about a system collapsing under its own weight. A problem you refuse to address.
You did us a favor, hombre
They are literally encouraging their own demise.I dunno. Some of my ancestors are responsible for creating Mexicans, and spreading Catholicism. As such, Mexicans and Catholics are well known for reproducing irresponsibly. This is terrible, and will only be a good thing if the U.S. finds itself in a war where we need cannon fodder and bullet sponges. The way things are going, I may yet be worthy of your praise.
Another issue is that there people on this forum who are very critical of, and take delight in my sadness on the subject of rich white liberals, excessive immigration, and all things wrong about California.
I am their canary in the coal mine. If they think they are somehow immune to what I'm talking about, they are very mistaken.
After me, they will be next.
What up TuPac? Kill Kill Kill da white man!Hispanic settlement of what is now California began in 1769 when the Presidio and Catholic mission of San Diego were established.
Now please shut theup.
Oh come on, not everyone goes into a nursing home. Not even close.Let's try this another way. Every person at sometime in their life will need skilled nursing care. Now when you go to a skilled nursing facility after the 21 days of full Medicare and 90 partially paid care it becomes full self pay until that person is down to just $2500 in personal assets before they can get Medicaid. That means you give them your house, your car, your bank account , your savings your pension and that goes to pay your care until all you've got left is $2500.
Now why don't hospitals require the same for people with no insurance? Make them post a security deposit the size of which will depend on the estimated cost of the procedure. No security deposit no procedure It would be like posting an escrow. You keep $2500 and if there's anything left after the procedure the balance is refunded to you.
BTW Why does it not apply to you? What if the nation's social welfare system had collapsed earlier and not there for you in your time of need what would you have done if instead you would have had to post that security deposit?
The people FDX kicking back out into the economy could find themselves with a medical emergency similar to yours. If so should they be denied public benefits. If you believe they should be state your reasons.
(lol). What does a bag of bearings have to do with your emergency surgery? And your father? A doctor does not HAVE to accept Medicare assignment. He may bill Medicare for $175 but if he's on Medicare assignment I can assure you that it's allowable charge and payment won't be anywhere near that amount because procedures are coded and payment is based accordinglyOh come on, not everyone goes into a nursing home. Not even close.
I toyed with the idea of staying in the States. I'd have to invest in something to live in. Either that or pay through the nose for an apartment. So I'm heading south. Plenty of places where you can get an affordable apartment with good internet. The U.S. is too expensive for people on just Social Security. Not cheap for many of the rest either. So I'll pay as I go overseas. But won't happen until my dad passes. Could be years and good for him. Meanwhile inflation is eating up my purchasing power.
I saw a Congressional hearing the other day where Matt Gaetz held up a small bag of jet engine bushings. Something that should be pretty cheap to acquire. The Pentagon is paying $90k for that bag. I'm all for a strong defense but this is ludicrous. We're killing ourselves financially. My father went to his doctor's office yesterday. They took his blood pressure. Did a few other routine things. Doctor wasn't there. He saw the doctor last week. But Medicare will be billed for $175 if I remember right. Multiply that by all that doctor's patients and then by all the doctors out there. They pad their billing with unnecessary visits. We're screwed yet people will ask where do we cut back? There was absolutely nothing done for my dad yesterday that couldn't have waited.
So good luck with finding more money for evermore programs. At some point I would think even you would say we have to cut back. Not holding my breath.
Are you that obtuse? Pointing out the government over spends on everything. But you don't care. Spend, spend, spend, then spend some more.(lol). What does a bag of bearings have to do with your emergency surgery? And your father? A doctor does not HAVE to accept Medicare assignment. He may bill Medicare for $175 but if he's on Medicare assignment I can assure you that it's allowable charge and payment won't be anywhere near that amount because procedures are coded and payment is based accordingly
Sure, some people opt for skilled nursing care at home and that is their option . However the attending individual in my state has to have a minimum level of education, pass the required tests and be licensed. And some simply have a family member look after them qualified or otherwise. However in my state eldercare laws provide strict penalties for those individuals who willfully ignore the needs of the aged individual in their care.
When the ACA Obamacare was coming up for a vote the MAGA's were out in full force broadcasting countless numbers of unfounded reasons why it was bad for the nation. Yet today the ACA has a 59% approval rating and 36 million Americans are enrolled in it because all it does it allow Americans the opportunity to get some insurance and provide hospitals with a way to get paid. And get this, the last time I saw Sara Palin she was doing a TV commercial selling guess what? Medicare Advantage and Supplement plans.....And even if there is a new public social program the MAGA's true to their nature will be raising holy hell about it....then run downtown to sign up for it.
And rest assured when those thousands of FDX employees get shown the door and losing their health insurance they too will be faced with difficult choices and the ACA might be their only lifeline. Unfortunately for you DeSantis refused to put Florida into the expanded version which would have really helped you.