Happy Making Less Than Minimum Wage?


Well-Known Member
Seems to me that, assuming your theory of union dues reducing your wages made any sense, it is the state's fault you are making less than minimum wage. What do you plan to do to improve your situation?

Did California forget to make the contract an adjustable rate instead of a fixed rate? Or did the Union? The Union had to know minimum wage was going to go up, sounds like they just got out negotiated or threw the bottom level worker under the bus. Question is how are they going to fix it?


Well-Known Member
Complain about it on the internet, and call anyone who disagrees a brainwashed idiot.

It is not like our Union rep has ever introduced themselves. They have never given us a website to visit, a contract to see, given us any contact information whatsoever. But they sure made sure the money started flowing day one. I do not think anyone disagrees. There is just blind loyalty that brings out emotional childish responses. It is a mistake that should be corrected, not some evil plan.
Did California forget to make the contract an adjustable rate instead of a fixed rate? Or did the Union? The Union had to know minimum wage was going to go up, sounds like they just got out negotiated or threw the bottom level worker under the bus. Question is how are they going to fix it?
The Teamsters have been throwing the bottom level members under the bus for 40 years. Look at the new 22.4 driver classification. Same work for less pay. How long before FT starting wages are minimum wage?


I'm a star
Did California forget to make the contract an adjustable rate instead of a fixed rate? Or did the Union? The Union had to know minimum wage was going to go up, sounds like they just got out negotiated or threw the bottom level worker under the bus. Question is how are they going to fix it?

The union can only do what there is political will to do. We couldn't demand a better contract because too many part timers didn't vote to turn it down. The best you can hope to do at this point is get your co-workers to all go talk to you local union officials, and tell them what you would like to see on the next contract.
The union can only do what there is political will to do. We couldn't demand a better contract because too many part timers didn't vote to turn it down. The best you can hope to do at this point is get your co-workers to all go talk to you local union officials, and tell them what you would like to see on the next contract.
If it is the PT Union members that are the problem, why not propose in the next contract that all or most PT jobs be phased out? In my building the company couldn't staff the Midnight and preload jobs with enough PT and had to create 22.3 jobs. Over half of the Midnight and preload are 22.3.


I'm a star
If it is the PT Union members that are the problem, why not propose in the next contract that all or most PT jobs be phased out? In my building the company couldn't staff the Midnight and preload jobs with enough PT and had to create 22.3 jobs. Over half of the Midnight and preload are 22.3.

If that's the solution you want, I say go for it. Maybe throw in some language about turnover rates, like the company commits to creating full time positions in order to minimize turnover below a certain percentage. Current part timers get to keep their pt schedule if they want it, but the pt work force could be slowly phased out over time.
If that's the solution you want, I say go for it. Maybe throw in some language about turnover rates, like the company commits to creating full time positions in order to minimize turnover below a certain percentage. Current part timers get to keep their pt schedule if they want it, but the pt work force could be slowly phased out over time.
Why wait? Give the company 4 years to convert all or most PT jobs to FT.


I'm a star
Why wait? Give the company 4 years to convert all or most PT jobs to FT.

The contract? I mean you can ask the company if they would pretty please eliminate part time positions, but there's nothing requiring them to negotiate about it right now. Unless maybe we can weponize BLM and Antifa against UPS...