Happy Making Less Than Minimum Wage?


Well-Known Member
You get free benefits. Pay progression. And a retirement and you’re really questioning a $1.40 union due? Hundreds of thousands of people in this country would gladly take your place and not question it.

After 9 months. Tell that to all the Xmas staff we just fired en masse who paid into the union for 3 - 4 months.

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
Say, OP
Go work at another that does not have a Union.
See how much free health, dental and vision coverage they have.
Ask how much is the annual raises for everyone.
And how much is the pension you get after 25 years?
Also, can you be hauling in 6 figures say, 8 years from now?
And, unlike UPS, if the boss takes a dislike to you and fires you, no one who can help you out.


Well-Known Member
How about these * COVID policies. Loader goes to manager SUP and tells them she feels sick. They tell her she needs to work one more hour before she can leave. Then they send her back to a truck with another worker in it. 1. She should be allowed to leave. 2. She should be isolated in a truck by herself if you will not let her leave.
profits vs safety

always been a battle in this system


Well-Known Member
Say, OP
Go work at another that does not have a Union.
See how much free health, dental and vision coverage they have.
Ask how much is the annual raises for everyone.
And how much is the pension you get after 25 years?
Also, can you be hauling in 6 figures say, 8 years from now?
And, unlike UPS, if the boss takes a dislike to you and fires you, no one who can help you out.
working a union in america is like winning the lotto.

whats private sector union rate 6%?


How about these * COVID policies. Loader goes to manager SUP and tells them she feels sick. They tell her she needs to work one more hour before she can leave. Then they send her back to a truck with another worker in it. 1. She should be allowed to leave. 2. She should be isolated in a truck by herself if you will not let her leave.
If you really felt so sick you had to say something to management, you should have asserted yourself more. Call for a steward and play the safety card.
Sounds like the got you all running scared. There is a big difference--you are already in the union--- I think. Or are you one of those tagalongs who let everyone else fight for your perks.
The Union is the one I would be afraid of. Making deals with management to get rid of Union rabble rousers.
OK so in CA the minimum wage bumped to $14 from $12 in 2021. Everyone getting paid $14.50/hr and paying out $1.40/hr to the union (net $13.10) thought we would get a pay bump to keep us above minimum wage. Now at $13.10 we are paid $0.90/hr less than minimum wage. How does it feel to be paid less than minimum wage? Do you still like the Union? Is anyone working for us to get us back to at least minimum wage?

You pay $1.40 per hour for dues? That's almost $25 a week based on guaranteed hours only. That's more than I pay as an RPCD.


I'm a star


I'm a star
Ohh I forgot the cost of bad safety policies. Like banning N95 with exhaust valves. How does one factor that massive cost in?

Cloth masks are worse than no masks, but medical masks make no difference in the spread of ILI's, vs no masks. N95 masks are no better than medical masks at preventing the spread of ILI. So yes, forcing us to wear cloth masks is bad, not letting you wear a vented n95 mask is not bad.

They should pay us $1 million/hr to make up for not giving us 26 weeks of vacation, and forcing us to wear hazardous facewear while performing strenuous work.

"But wearing a face mask under the fencing mask reduced my oxygen level to around 17% – the equivalent of exercising at 1,500m. Any further decreases in oxygen concentration – by exercising longer or harder – would have a large effect on the physiological responses to exercise, causing altitude-sickness symptoms such as dizziness or headache.

There are negligible levels of carbon dioxide in atmospheric air, and when exercising with only the fencing mask this remains below 1%. With the face mask on, it trebled to 3%. Bear in mind that the UK Health and Safety Executive – the government agency responsible for regulation and enforcement of workplace safety – advises that employees should not be exposed to 1.5% carbon dioxide for more than 15 minutes."


I'm a star
OK so in CA the minimum wage bumped to $14 from $12 in 2021. Everyone getting paid $14.50/hr and paying out $1.40/hr to the union (net $13.10) thought we would get a pay bump to keep us above minimum wage. Now at $13.10 we are paid $0.90/hr less than minimum wage. How does it feel to be paid less than minimum wage? Do you still like the Union? Is anyone working for us to get us back to at least minimum wage?

Are you still in progression? I assume so if you are still paying initiation fees. You will get a bump on your anniversary, and your union dues will decrease to the standard amount once you finish paying the initiation fees. Sometimes life throws us curve balls, and things don't seem fair, but it will get better. You can talk to your BA and see if your local can try to negotiate higher rates in light of the increase of the minimum wage. Wage rates in the contract are minimums.
I think he’s talking about initiation fees.
we pay 2.5 hours a month.
$15 an hour = $38 a month in dues.

Ah, @BrownZen, classic move of telling less than the whole story and exaggerating other details to ensure the position of "victim."

El Correcto

god is dead
How could they stop people from voting?
That’s if your local elected people even do what they say they are going to do. Their supporters in the hall just go along with them voting to blow money and hire family members.

I’ve learned people are very corrupt when it comes to being in positions of power.

El Correcto

god is dead
I just don’t like how culty unions can be. The pledge just seems weird to me, I get it when it was like armed revolution back in the day, but now it’s like 60% of guys too scared to even file a grievance on anyone.