Does anyone know of the exact reason the murderer Joe was discharged? UPS mgmt. endorses and exercises disparate treatment of employees. It is my gut feeling that the tragedy in AL could have been averted if UPS changed its management style. Harassment and/or Retaliation by UPS mgmt. was probably a major factor in that tragedy.
Joe probably was discharged for failure to follow mgmt. instructions. Missing a handrail, not walking across a customers lawns, pulling his handcart instead of pushing it; not using his 4 ways when parked for lunch, not checking if his defrosters work during a summertime pretrip, or some other minute infractions.
Some good drivers receive discipline for very minor infractions while other drivers are speeding, texting, talking on the phone, signing for packages, etc receive little or no discipline. UPS management observations are very disparate. They may tell one driver "hey you need to pull in your mirrors; ok? speedy" and the "Joe" type driver gets a warning notice, suspension or discharge for the same infraction.