Has anyone ever asked for a Management board?



i provide an easy target for drivers to vent to...more power to them, glad to help.

Well, the fact is the target will be gone soon enough. When your child is born you should have other things to occupy your time. Those 2 am feedings are going to drain you , pal.


UPS Defender
Well, the fact is the target will be gone soon enough. When your child is born you should have other things to occupy your time. Those 2 am feedings are going to drain you , pal.

tell me about it. if anyone wanted an update...baby is currently breech (upside down like her daddy!) and we are trying to get her to turn.

This is crazy...i can't wait for this kid to get here, but I am scared out of my mind at the same time!


tell me about it. if anyone wanted an update...baby is currently breech (upside down like her daddy!) and we are trying to get her to turn.

This is crazy...i can't wait for this kid to get here, but I am scared out of my mind at the same time!

seriously , thanks for the update. Hope everything goes well with the birth . I guess the doctor already told you that a cesarian is a possibility if the baby doesn't flip.


UPS Defender
yeah...funny enough, i was breech too. moma is disapointed, but we still thinking she might move.

due date is sept 6 and if we do the c-section it is going to be a week earlier with a little longer recovery time...more time off work with no pay...booo.


Well-Known Member
I can assure you I didn't tow the company line on a lot of issues! I payed for that in my working life at UPS. As far as only having a couple of years left, hang in there. The light can be seen at the end of the tunnel. Don't wish your life away but those two years will be over before you know it!

"Remember the big fish always eats the little ones"


Huge Member
I can assure you I didn't tow the company line on a lot of issues! I payed for that in my working life at UPS. As far as only having a couple of years left, hang in there. The light can be seen at the end of the tunnel. Don't wish your life away but those two years will be over before you know it!

"Remember the big fish always eats the little ones"


This is a place where anyone can vent frustrations out from working at UPS. Management and union alike. Just because you see people vent doesn't mean they need to quit. Sometimes talking things out and seeing other people around here with the same views helps make the day better.

We all do it for the paycheck regardless


no one considers UPS people."real" Teamsters.-BUG
well,, im glad you are all P"O ed right now because ive had a few brewskis and im drunk and happy...so take that


KTM rider
When I first found this board, it was considered 'the' source for UPS info and opinions on investing. It was part of the Motley Fool board and the discussions were reasonable and level-headed.

There still is a place for that and it is easy to obtain. The 'ignore' list is your friend.



Retired 23 years
I thought management already had their own private board. Isn't it called the "every morning conference call" with the higher ups to tell you how high you have to jump that day?:puppet:
yeah...funny enough, i was breech too. moma is disapointed, but we still thinking she might move.

due date is sept 6 and if we do the c-section it is going to be a week earlier with a little longer recovery time...more time off work with no pay...booo.
With all professional differences aside, I hope that things go as needed for you wife to have a safe, uncomplicated delivery.

"The prayer of a righteous man availeth much" James 5:16

None the less, I will say one for your family.
I can assure you I didn't tow the company line on a lot of issues! I payed for that in my working life at UPS. As far as only having a couple of years left, hang in there. The light can be seen at the end of the tunnel. Don't wish your life away but those two years will be over before you know it!

"Remember the big fish always eats the little ones"

My point was, few people that have only a couple of years left till retirement can just "find another job", specially in the current economic times. That doesn't make the bitter pill UPS is forcing down everyone's throat any easier to swallow.
I know that UPS has always tried to find ways to push, pull and drag everyone (not just drivers) to get more and more production. However there is a limit to what a human body can endure before it starts to break down. The younger drivers have youth on their side for recuperation from constant labor intensive activity, the older guys not so much. The company expects a 60 year old driver to preform day after day at the same level as a 25 year old and I for one just can't do that anymore, but I must try or the years I have spent working toward a decent retirement was wasted.

As I see it, our spouses can only take so much of our venting and if we don't vent....someone could die. That's what keeps us from going postal.


From the promised LAND
NH guy

For one, I know that you do a lot more as a manager than many people think. There is a large difference as far as the physical aspect of your job compared to that of an hourly, but your day is also full.

But a lot of your day is also of a man made nature. One of meetings where you get reamed out for even the most trivial aspects of your job, dragged over the coals for the lackluster performance of some of your drivers, taken to the foot of the gallows for other labor issues, and the list goes on and on. While some of this serves a purpose, the majority of the point is to allow those above you to do the same to them, and the scene repeats itself for several other layers of management.

That aspect is the micro management that is throughout UPS's culture. From the little you can actually "run" at your center to the micromanagement of the delivery route.

They are no longer training leaders, but instead lemmings at UPS.

You and some of the other posters are an exception to that comment. But you are getting fewer and fewer.

You have my respect for standing on your principles.

you know, so people with half a brain can discuss big picture things like acquisitions and new services....without being bashed by union type folks.

Getting back to the original question...if the board existed do you really think anyone would respond to you. Go to your previous posts and see how many mgmt people have responded to you. Most of us know who they are.


Getting back to the original question...if the board existed do you really think anyone would respond to you. Go to your previous posts and see how many mgmt people have responded to you. Most of us know who they are.

If you're saying it would not get used then I somewhat disagree. I tend to be outspoken here but even I back off certain issues because I know I will generate the dog pack attack if I speak my mind. The management posters here who speak honestly tend to get attacked and attacked pretty badly. So most management posters I see here either go through extra trouble to suger coat their opinions or they don't offer any opinion at all. One never offers his opinion but instead goes around popping in little one liners. I cringe everytime someone asks questions on how to get promoted here. I know that posters will start telling him to sell his soul, remove his heart and get kneepads. It would probably be nice if that person could actually ask his questions without getting gang banged by the anti management crowd here. In reality this site is really basically dominated by the anti-ups and anti management crowd who wait to pounce on the management or management want to be's.
Me personally I take solace in the fact that there are other posters who whether management or union are open minded enough for me to enjoy interacting with them.
If you're saying it would not get used then I somewhat disagree. I tend to be outspoken here but even I back off certain issues because I know I will generate the dog pack attack if I speak my mind. The management posters here who speak honestly tend to get attacked and attacked pretty badly. So most management posters I see here either go through extra trouble to suger coat their opinions or they don't offer any opinion at all. One never offers his opinion but instead goes around popping in little one liners. I cringe everytime someone asks questions on how to get promoted here. I know that posters will start telling him to sell his soul, remove his heart and get kneepads. It would probably be nice if that person could actually ask his questions without getting gang banged by the anti management crowd here. In reality this site is really basically dominated by the anti-ups and anti management crowd who wait to pounce on the management or management want to be's.
Me personally I take solace in the fact that there are other posters who whether management or union are open minded enough for me to enjoy interacting with them.

I think you may be taking me the wrong way. It's not about the board or union vs. mgmt. It's all about the original poster. He may be very positive toward UPS (many union people are) but, it is the way he comes accross as the best thing for UPS since sliced bread and always defensive rather than talking things out.


From the promised LAND
I tend to be outspoken here but even I back off certain issues
Since when does Tie back of his opinion?:wink2:

There are times when some of my posts can be taken as anti management maybe. Its not really anti management as much as it is anti micro-management. I am very afraid that what used to be the breeding ground for excellent management is now more of gathering place for lemmings. Maybe the times have changed too much?

The majority of the management posters that have allowed themselves to be heard and identified as management on this site, have contributed a ton of information to this board, and a viewpoint that should at least be respected (except that the drivers should get with the customers and use that relationship to get them to accept a lesser level of service than we normally provide).

I know for a fact that management at every level is a difficult job. And in many cases, under paid for what you actually have to do and put up with. And while some might rejoice at the cuts you have taken, they are in the minority.

A sub forum for management to banter back and forth would be interesting to read. It would also allow for a more open discussion of issues that management faces, many of which the hourly dont have a clue about. Dont know how it would be moderated though......

BTW Tie, I know/knew what it took to get promoted. Reflecting back, while it would have been interesting to see where I would have ended up, I dont have any regrets about the path I took.



Well-Known Member
If you're saying it would not get used then I somewhat disagree. I tend to be outspoken here but even I back off certain issues because I know I will generate the dog pack attack if I speak my mind. The management posters here who speak honestly tend to get attacked and attacked pretty badly. So most management posters I see here either go through extra trouble to suger coat their opinions or they don't offer any opinion at all. One never offers his opinion but instead goes around popping in little one liners. I cringe everytime someone asks questions on how to get promoted here. I know that posters will start telling him to sell his soul, remove his heart and get kneepads. It would probably be nice if that person could actually ask his questions without getting gang banged by the anti management crowd here. In reality this site is really basically dominated by the anti-ups and anti management crowd who wait to pounce on the management or management want to be's.
Me personally I take solace in the fact that there are other posters who whether management or union are open minded enough for me to enjoy interacting with them.

Yeah, 'cause if theres one guy on here that holds back his opinion its YOU! :rofl: I didn't know there was an anti-management crowd here? I'm pro-union but not anti-management. I think if you were to take a poll there may be just as many people who are friendly or more friendly to management then they are to the Teamsters. But thanks for :sad-very:, it was fun.


Yeah, 'cause if theres one guy on here that holds back his opinion its YOU! I didn't know there was an anti-management crowd here? I'm pro-union but not anti-management. I think if you were to take a poll there may be just as many people who are friendly or more friendly to management then they are to the Teamsters. But thanks for :sad-very:, it was fun.

Perhaps you weren't paying attention.....again.

Look at a thread where someone asks for help or advice on getting promoted and you see some pretty crude comments directed at that poster. You don't generally see that here from management posters towards the union guys.

Look at Hoaxsters thread where he asked who had more value. In that case I did hold back because I knew if I answered it honestly and gave pro's and con's for both the driver and the CEO that I would get ripped up.

So I summarized my opinion by saying they both had value to the company.

You then jumped in with both feet and started accusing me of badmouthing the driver.

I have many friends here on both sides of the fence. I have a tremendous amount of respect for Danny. I think he may be as close to the perfect shop steward. He understands the business and he understands the contract and he applies some very sound logic in his approach.

I absolutely love the creativity and passion with which Red operates.
Danny and red both operate with a strong foundation in principles.

I banter back and forth with Jonesy and Diesel about various world issues and respect and admire their insight from the other side of the spectrum.

Even though Dilli and Trp and I have done some beefing I still respect their efforts to "reform" me.

You on the other hand are so blinded by your hatred for management that you will run into a wall a hundred times before you realize that there is a door right next to you.

You are the example I was speaking of. When I say I hold back I won't hold back when someone thinks they have been ordained to educate me with their second grade education. When you attack me I will not hold back. I will stomp you, then I will light you on fire and then I will pee on the fire.

I encourage you to rejoin the site as someone with common sense , a common purpose and respect. I am however prepared to deal with you in whatever direction you decide to go.:rofl:


I think you may be taking me the wrong way. It's not about the board or union vs. mgmt. It's all about the original poster. He may be very positive toward UPS (many union people are) but, it is the way he comes accross as the best thing for UPS since sliced bread and always defensive rather than talking things out.

My comments were not really meant at you as much as the thread itself.