You are right, the APWA leaders are not pursueing this option right now, but it is being descussed among members and when the APWA is certified as our bargaining agents, you can bet that we will press them to present this option to the company.
Also you are right, that there must be a paper trail to what the employee in NY stated are recieving. Getting that is the problem, just like the machanics in Richmond VA, that are getting 5700 and have a 25 year any age retirement, but they have balked at repeated requested for info on there pension plan. These people do not want the rest of us to know what they get for fear that it might hurt there retirement plan if this info gets out. Also the Nat. Pension Improvement Committee, posted on there site that the mechanics in Oregon state recieve 7000 a month retirement.
There are pockets all over that are recieving these types of retirements, but getting our hands on the documentation is not easy because they try and keep these thing quiet. If you have any ideas on how to get these documents feel free to make suggestions.